2024年8月21日 星期三

介紹 Sōseki: Modern Japan's Greatest Novelist by John Nathan ......魏哲家,謝志偉,德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)歐盟執委會主席……白痴



介紹 Sōseki: Modern Japan's Greatest Novelist by John Nathan ......魏哲家,謝志偉,德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)歐盟執委會主席……


魏哲家,謝志偉,德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)歐盟執委會主席范德賴恩(Ursula von der Leyen)...........歐巴馬與賀錦麗:志趣相投、投桃報李0821  “don’t sit around and complain about things. Do something.”   (Michelle Obama’s Speech at the Democratic Convention).  

Natsume Sōseki (夏目 漱石, 9 February 1867 – 9 December 1916),

Sōseki: Modern Japan's Greatest Novelist Book by John Nathan

 介紹  Sōseki: Modern Japan's Greatest Novelist by John Nathan 

Finally, after a long time, I got to complete this novel. The reason it took me a little more time to complete this novel is the beginning. It does not captivate you from the very start like other novels by Dostoevsky but it's worth it after some pages. The main theme of the book is the concept Dostoevsky has mentioned in his other works “Beauty will save the world.”

The story revolves around a prince named Myshkin, who is returning from Switzerland. On the train, he meets Rogozhin, an unstable man who inherited a large sum of fortune from his father. Myshkin is a clean-hearted, pious, and plain speaker about whatever he wants to say. He cannot even think of doing something bad to anyone and will forgive everyone, and for that reason, people call him Idiot, thinking he does not know anything. The second person he meets is Lebedev, a minor clerk who knows everything about Petersburg’s important people.

There is a love triangle between Myshkin, Nastasya, and Aglaya. Nastasya is an epitome of beauty, unpredictability, and confidence, and also the concubine of the aristocrat Totsky, from age 16. At one point, Myshkin gets engaged to her, but she runs away to Rogozhin because his mad and violent obsession resonates with her self-destructive urge. Aglaya, on the other hand, is a very predictable girl who falls for Myshkin but keeps saying that she does not have any affection for him at all and is quite cruel to him. She also abandoned Myshkin because, according to her, the prince was still in love with Nastasya. The soul of Myshkin gets tormented between these two. There is also a very fascinating character of Ippolit who is a young nihilist and is counting his last days because of tuberculosis. He always has a craving for love from others. He is unable to share Myshkin’s intuition of the harmonious unity of all Being, an intuition evoked most intensely earlier in the novel in a description of the pre-epileptic aura.  

According to the prince, Catholicism is an unChristian faith and that it preaches antichrist. He believed they fought just for political supremacy and it gave birth to atheism. There is no difference between the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church; they both exploit humans just for earthly gains. And what exactly is beauty? Beauty is the way you want to define it. If beauty lies in something ideal, then it can never be achieved, and if it is something like rational facts presented, then there is no unifying principle that tells us what to do with them. In terms of rational explanation, beauty is defined by many principles of mathematics like the golden ratio. Still, postmodernism argues that it is a constructed view that supports some systems such as patriarchy.

Myshkin, in the triangle of love, was also in despair because of these two. The example of Christ is presented here as someone who acts as a bridge between these two extremes; he reaches up to heaven to his father and reaches down to hell when he touches the ground and takes all of the sins of humans upon himself. But in this rational age, the bridge is broken, making many other people like Myshkin an Idiot. In the end, the prince ends up in the same condition as he was before visiting Russia because he could not hold on.


Ikiru, Akira Kurosawa's beautifully shot and deeply humane character study of a dying bureaucrat, is out on BFI Blu-ray today.
