2024年8月18日 星期日

上課:夏目漱石 曹永洋“ 夏目漱石傳” (上海譯文 2023)



Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede. - Hamlet (1.3.48-52), ...

the primrose path 夏目漱石的英詩用了Hamlet 典故,

 夏目漱石傳” (上海譯文 2023)之譯者誤了

孫大雨譯"只顧走逍遙嬉耍的蓮馨花之道" (莪斐麗亞對哥哥說 )

Shakespeare coined the now familiar phrase "primrose path" in Hamlet which he wrote a few years before Macbeth. It describes taking the easy hedonistic path in life which ends in ruin instead of the arduous righteous life which leads to religious salvation in heaven.

夏目漱石傳102 頁

注重語言 複雜詞彙反義字

新天方夜譚 殺人俱樂部

王子出遊記 S. Johnson

benevolence  詞根 sympathy compassion

