2025年2月26日 星期三

Boris Pasternak, 1890~1960 鮑里斯·帕斯捷爾納克,Doctor Zhivago (1957)《日瓦戈醫生》


鮑里斯·帕斯捷爾納克,1890 年出生於莫斯科,是 20 世紀最深刻的文學人物之一,以其小說《日瓦戈醫生》(1957 年)而聞名。他關於身份和靈魂的言論反映了他對人類生存、道德和藝術遺產的終身探索。帕斯捷爾納克生長在一個知識分子家庭,父親是畫家,母親是鋼琴家,因此他從小就沉浸在創造力之中。他最初從事音樂和哲學,後來轉向詩歌創作,他的第一部主要詩集《我的姐姐,生活》(1922 年)獲得認可。在整個蘇聯時代,他一直在藝術表達與國家審查之間的矛盾中尋找平衡,最終出版了《日瓦戈醫生》,這是一部以俄國革命及其後果為背景的宏大歷史小說。這本書在蘇聯被禁,但被走私到義大利,並於 1957 年出版,並於 1958 年獲得諾貝爾文學獎。 帕斯捷爾納克拒絕遵從意識形態的限制,這讓他在自己的國家成為了文學上的流亡者,但他透過他人而延續自我的哲學卻呼應了歷史上永恆的主題。他相信靈魂透過人際連結而永生,這與俄羅斯古典文學一致,讓人想起費奧多爾·陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821-1881)和列夫·托爾斯泰(1828-1910),他們也曾努力探究存在的本質。儘管蘇聯壓力迫使他拒絕諾貝爾獎,但他的作品仍然繼續激勵著世界各地的讀者。即使在他 1960 年去世後,他的文學影響力依然存在,《日瓦戈醫生》最終於 1988 年在俄羅斯出版。 他的遺產在文學和哲學領域經久不衰,證明了藝術就像記憶一樣,超越時間並在其他人身上保持生命力。 #鮑里斯帕斯捷爾納克 #日瓦戈醫生 #俄羅斯文學 #哲學 #諾貝爾獎 #詩歌 #遺產 #歷史小說 #不朽 #文學偶像 藝術、藝術家、藝術品 · 追踪

Boris Pasternak, born in 1890 in Moscow, was one of the most profound literary figures of the 20th century, best known for his novel Doctor Zhivago (1957). His words on identity and the soul reflect his lifelong exploration of human existence, morality, and artistic legacy. Raised in an intellectual family—his father a painter and his mother a pianist—Pasternak was immersed in creativity from an early age. He initially pursued music and philosophy before turning to poetry, gaining recognition with his first major collection, My Sister, Life (1922). Throughout the Soviet era, he navigated the tension between artistic expression and state censorship, a struggle that culminated in the publication of Doctor Zhivago, a sweeping historical novel set against the Russian Revolution and its aftermath. The book was banned in the USSR but smuggled to Italy, where it was published in 1957 and awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958.

Pasternak’s refusal to conform to ideological constraints made him a literary exile within his own country, yet his philosophy of the self enduring through others echoes timeless themes in history. His belief in the soul’s immortality through human connection aligns with classical Russian literature, reminiscent of Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881) and Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), who also grappled with the nature of existence. Despite Soviet pressure forcing him to decline the Nobel Prize, his work continued to inspire readers worldwide. Even after his passing in 1960, his literary influence remained, and Doctor Zhivago was finally published in Russia in 1988. His legacy endures in literature and philosophy, proving that art, like memory, transcends time and remains a living force in others.
可能是 1 人和長大衣的黑白圖像
