2019年4月19日 星期五

88了,老爹!.......日本老年駕駛車禍的法律:87歲男駕駛衝撞10路人 女童等2人死亡

現在回想,經驗豐富的老前輩,訓育組共事4年,他一定很忍耐我的既青澀又龜毛吧?他給我的肯定則是我敢堅持的動力 。




Two people were killed and eight others were injured in Tokyo on Friday after a car rammed into a group of pedestrians at a crosswalk, police said. The vehicle, driven by ...

2019年4月12日 星期五

老人漂流社会「団塊世代 しのび寄る“老後破産”」NHK 2016年

hc:Facebook 翻譯能力差很多....
NHKスペシャル 老人漂流社会「団塊世代 しのび寄る“老後破産”」
Google翻譯: NHK特別老頭漂流社會“偷偷靠近嬰兒潮一代”高齡破產“”
[総合]4月16日(土) 午後9:00~9:50
Facebook Nhk特別老男人漂社會"草莓世代因為以前的"破產""
(將軍)四月16日(山姆) 9:00 PM-9:50
NHK 的相片。
steal up
steal up behind ((a person))
The leopard stalked its prey.
Autumn is creeping up on us.

NHKスペシャル 老人漂流社会「団塊世代 しのび寄る“老後破産”」
[総合]4月16日(土) 午後9:00~9:50

2019年4月10日 星期三

Buckfast. This Caffeinated Wine Is Made by Monks and Loved by Scottish Criminals

Most people don’t drink Buckfast for the taste, but for the heady rush that comes from ingesting a whole lot of caffeine and booze simultaneously.

Tonic wine produced by the monks of Buckfast Abbey. The ingredients are unknown, but it contains more caffeine drop for drop than Red Bull. This is a ...

Buckfast Tonic Wine


Buckfast Tonic Wine is a caffeinated fortified wine originally made by monks at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England, now made under a licence granted by the monastery, and distributed by J. Chandler & Company in the United Kingdom and Richmond Marketing Ltd in Ireland. It is based on a traditional recipe from France.Wikipedia
Alcohol by volume15.0% (UK); 14.8% (Ireland)
IngredientsRed wine, caffeine

2019年4月8日 星期一

中國資本入侵波爾多,酒莊更名惹爭議The Oxford Companion to Wine, Empire of Pleasures : Luxury and Indulgence in the Roman World

波爾多的聖福瓦區,罕見生活在自己的莊園裡的中國主人茱莉婭·張。 Andrea Mantovani for The New York Times
對於中國人的入侵 ,法國最著名葡萄酒區之一波爾多瀰漫著一股焦慮情緒。一些當地人認為,改變歷史悠久的酒莊名稱是一種大膽而無禮的做法。著名作家菲利浦·索萊爾斯甚至給波爾多市長寫信,公開對此表示譴責。

The Oxford Companion to Wine

Third Edition

ISBN13: 9780198609902ISBN10: 0198609906 hardback, 840 pages
Aug 2006, In Stock


$65.00 (02)


Published in 1994 to worldwide acclaim, the first edition of Jancis Robinson's seminal volume immediately attained legendary status, winning every major wine book award including the Glenfiddich and Julia Child/IACP awards, as well as writer and woman of the year accolades for its editor on both sides of the Atlantic. Combining meticulously-researched fact with refreshing opinion and wit, The Oxford Companion to Wine offers almost 4,000 entries on every wine-related topic imaginable, from regions and grape varieties to the owners, connoisseurs, growers, and tasters in wine through the ages; from viticulture and oenology to the history of wine. Tracing the consumption and production from the ancient world to the present day, the Companion is a remarkable resource for gaining further appreciation for a beverage whose popularity has only increased with time.

Now exhaustively updated, this third edition incorporates the very latest international research to present over 400 new entries on topics ranging from globalization and the politics of wine to brands, precision viticulture, and co-fermentation. Hundreds of other entries have also undergone major revisions, including yeast, barrel alternatives, climate change, and virtually all wine regions. Useful lists and statistics are appended, including controlled appellations and their permitted grape varieties, as well as wine production and consumption by country.

Illustrated with maps of every important wine region in the world, useful charts and diagrams, and stunning color photography, this Companion is unlike any other wine book, offering an understanding of wine in its many wider contexts - notably historical, cultural, geographic, and scientific - and serving as a truly companionable point of reference into which any wine-lover can dip, browse, and linger.


  • A major new edition of the ultimate reference book on wine - fully revised and updated with information on emerging wine regions written by local experts
  • Almost 4,000 definitive articles on a breathtaking range of topics including over 400 new entries covering globalization, brands, precision viticulture, and co-fermentation
  • Edited by the award-winning international wine writer and broadcaster Jancis Robinson
  • Illustrated with maps and diagrams, accented with color photography and a stunning new page design, and enhanced with guides to controlled appellations and vintages




The Oxford Companion to Wine
flame/packing a punch --Galen 之言
成為美酒之代名  當時已毀
 Empire of Pleasures : Luxury and Indulgence in the Roman World-US-
ISBN:0415186242 (Hard cover book)
Dalby, Andrew /Publisher:Routledge Published 2000/11

Book Data

Full Description
This work explores the Romans' renowned taste for titillation and fulfilment of the senses, from Persia and Greece to France and Britain. It presents an analysis of the Romans' desire for food and wine and how this quest for the luxurious is woven into the literature, art, and culture.
This work runs through the literature of Imperial Rome - "Persica", the golden peaches whose Latin name pinpointed Persia as the source of their world-wide migration - caecubum, a fine, rare, dry red wine from Campanian vineyards that were once prized, afterwards neglected; these flavours were identified, evaluated and tasted in a single word.
In this book, the author explores the Romans' renowned taste for titillation and fulfilment of the senses, from Persia, Greece and Asia Minor to Spain, France and Britain. It presents a picturesque analysis of the Romans' extraordinary desire for food and wine and how this quest for the luxurious is woven into the literature, art, language and culture.

Table of Contents
        List of illustrations                      vii
Preface                                            ix
  Introduction                                     1  (7)
    Quotations and references                      2  (1)
    Source material                                3  (5)
  Imperium sine fine                               8  (13)
    The vices of empire                            10 (2)
    The pleasures of empire                        12 (2)
    Roads and travel                               14 (7)
  Ausonia                                          21 (61)
    The land and its people                        21 (4)
    Rome's Italy                                   25 (5)
    Rome's neighbourhood                           30 (12)
    From Rome to Rhegium                           42 (17)
    The southern hinterland                        59 (9)
    The northern hinterland                        68 (14)
  Vesper                                           82 (36)
    Peoples of the West                            83 (5)
    Cisalpine Gaul and the mountain provinces      88 (6)
    Transalpine Gaul                               94 (5)
    Britain                                        99 (3)
    Spain                                          102(5)
    Africa                                         107(4)
    The islands                                    111(7)
  Aurora                                           118(60)
    Becoming Greek                                 120(6)
    People of the East: slaves and others          126(7)
    Transmarine wines                              133(6)
    Greece                                         139(3)
    Greek cities and islands                       142(12)
    North from Greece                              154(7)
    Asia and its hinterland                        161(7)
    Syria                                          168(4)
    Egypt                                          172(6)
  Barbaricum                                       178(31)
    Africa                                         178(4)
    Arabia                                         182(2)
    Armenia                                        184(2)
    Parthia and Persia                             186(5)
    India                                          191(6)
    Beyond India                                   197(2)
    China                                          199(1)
    Scythia and Dacia                              200(4)
    Germany and the far north                      204(5)
  Saeva urbs                                       209(34)
    Low Rome                                       213(9)
    High Rome                                      222(15)
    New Rome                                       237(6)
  The use of Empire                                243(30)
    The art of dining                              243(14)
    The art of courtship                           257(9)
    The art of being Roman                         266(7)
Notes                                              273(32)
Bibliography                                       305(5)
Index of ancient sources                           310(7)
Index                                              317




"Without question the most useful wine book ever published." --Mike Steinberger, Slate.com
"Serious wine geeks know that 'the bible' for the past decade or so has been Jancis Robinson's The Oxford Companion To Wine . The third edition...is impeccably researched and full of well-known facts as well as interesting trivia."--Wine Enthusiast .
"This is a must-have book for wine geeks...highly recommended for anyone with more than a passing interest in wine."--Wine Spectator , "Top 100" issue.
"It's hard to come up with a wine question that you won't find answered here... My advice is simple. Buy it. Now. You'll be glad you did."--Wineloverspage.com.
"An invaluable resource for serious wine drinkers who never quench their thirst for learning about varietals, appellations, wine history, and vineyards."--Business Week .
"It's as addictive as the Internet."--Tara Q. Thomas, Wine & Spirits .
"The third edition of The Oxford Companion to Wine , edited by Jancis Robinson, is the one essential book for any wine-lover... the book is a necessity for those in the wine business, and it offers highly pleasurable browsing for anybody who is remotely curious about why wine is so compelling."--Eric Asimov, The New York Times
"It's a valuable reference book and great fun just to pick up and read."--Ben Giliberti, The Washington Post
"Unquestionably the world's most comprehensive wine resource... Best of all, this isn't a dry encyclopedia... employs a witty insider's tone."--Town & Country
Named one of "20 Essential Books to Build Your Culinary Library" by the James Beard Foundation

Product Details

840 pages; 32 color photographs & over 80 maps, charts & lines; ISBN13: 978-0-19-860990-2ISBN10: 0-19-860990-6