The quality of a bar in São Paulo is measured in large part by its chopp (SHO-pee), the Brazilian-style draft beer. And the pouring process is as much an art for Brazilians as Guinness-pouring is to the Irish. The undisputed chopp masters can be found at Bar Léo (Rua Aurora, 100; 55-11-3221-0247;, a German-themed joint in the city's gritty center.
To test the barman's skills, ask for a leitinho (lay-CHEEN-yo), all head and no beer. It may sound crazy to the foam-phobic American beer guzzler, but the all-head beer is so creamy, you may just become a convert.
HEAD(ビールの)あわ; (牛乳の表面の)クリーム
The froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring an effervescent liquid, such as beer.