2024年9月17日 星期二

幾堂青春的文學課(3 ): 美國篇。 白鯨記。Mark Twain馬克吐溫的密西西比河混少年 惠特曼。震旦集到意大利,海明威的界世。美國詩歌選和 e. e. cumin

“Out of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most.”

–Mark Twain

幾堂青春的文學課(3  ): 美國篇。 白鯨記。馬克吐溫的密西西比河混少年  惠特曼。震旦集到意大利,海明威的界世。美國詩歌選和 e. e. cumin 

 " 政治是唯一可以說謊 欺騙 偷竊,而仍然受到尊重的行業 ( Politics is the only profession where you can lie, cheat, and steal, and still be respected." )

                    --- 馬克吐溫


“Nobody had more class than Melville. To do what he did in Moby-Dick, to tell a story and to risk putting so much material into it.

If you could weigh a book, I don’t know any book that would be more full. It’s more full than War and Peace or The Brothers Karamazov. It has Saint Elmo’s fire, and great whales, and grand arguments between heroes, and secret passions. It risks wandering far, far out into the globe.

Melville took on the whole world, saw it all in a vision, and risked everything in prose that sings. You have a sense from the very beginning that Melville had a vision in his mind of what this book was going to look like, and he trusted himself to follow it through all the way.

~Ken Kesey
