2014年12月31日 星期三

廣告:陀崙特酒廠(The Glenturret)Single barrel whiskey (or single cask whisky)

威雀精神莊園所在地—陀崙特酒廠(The Glenturret),是蘇格蘭歷史最悠久的威士忌酒廠,一直以來提供威雀調和威士忌最優質的麥芽原酒,是威雀得以受到廣大歡迎最重要的原因。陀崙特酒廠所位於的Turret河谷,有著最優質的水源、溫和的天候、以及良好的地形,是一個非常好的遊憩地點。想要在絕美的湖光山色下參訪酒廠,再來上一杯美味的陀崙特單一純麥威士忌嗎?現在買威雀全系列產品就有機會一遊蘇格蘭∼

台灣獨賣! 值得珍藏!

而喜歡威雀的朋友們,也不能錯過這支僅會在台灣上市的陀崙特1988(The Glenturret 1988 Single Cask)。在2014年初,陀崙特酒廠清理酒窖時,意外發現這批差點被時光遺忘的意外珍藏,威雀的首席調酒師Gordon Motion在啟桶品嘗之後大為驚訝,讚許這是他接手酒廠以來最美味的威士忌。

Single barrel whiskey (or single cask whisky) is a premium class of whisky in which each bottle comes from an individual agingbarrel, instead of being created by blending together the contents of various barrels to provide uniformity of color and taste. Even whiskeys that are not blends may be combined from more than one batch, or even from differing years to achieve their consistency. The whiskey from each barrel is bottled separately, with each bottle bearing the barrel number and in most cases the dates for the beginning and end of aging. Each barrel is thought to contribute unique characteristics to the finished whiskey. Recently, however, there has been some controversy over whether single cask whiskies are indeed all from single casks. Whiskies sold by Scottish distilleries such as Ben Nevis and especially GlenDronach as "single casks" have been revealed to be vattings of multiple barrels, which may themselves have been of different kinds, with the "single cask" designation referring only to the final cask of maturation.[1]In the absence of specific regulation of this language it is not clear to what extent such practice is prevalent in the industry as a whole.
Single barrels may further be at cask strength or non-chill-filtered to further avoid adulterating the taste of a cask.
