2009年1月26日 星期一


紙筒葡萄酒 經濟又環保






不 過,不令人意外的,這種「創新」引起部分法國釀酒業者質疑。法國波爾多葡萄酒產區頂級的奧信酒莊(Chateau Ausone)負責人沃傑說:「我不認為這有道理……紙盒是來裝牛奶的。」他說:「一支好的葡萄酒需要深色玻璃瓶和高品質軟木塞來封裝。我也質疑紙盒的耐 用度。我們廠裡儲存了自1849年保存至今的陳年葡萄酒,紙盒是不可能保存這麼久的。」




2009年1月24日 星期六


Monsieur William 法國紅酒France rouge wine 由 Sergio Valente出品


2009年1月19日 星期一

Charles Shaw known as "Two Buck Chuck."

2007年底,來自芝加哥的商人Colin Wu在義烏市場租下了12,000平方米的攤位,打算出售美國華盛頓州生產的汽車潤滑劑、加拿大瓶裝礦泉水以及加州的Charles Shaw葡萄酒(俗稱兩美元葡萄酒)。

Colin Wu當時想,由於中國出現了一系列產品質量問題,會有國內客戶願意多花些錢購買更安全、更健康的進口產品。然而天不隨人願,他說自己投入的1,000萬元(約150萬美元)幾乎都賠光了。Colin Wu租下的攤位現在只有約六分之一在使用,他正在考慮今年將生意全部停掉。

Colin Wu說,中國政府在幫助進口商開拓國內市場方面也做得不夠。他說希望政府能降低進口稅,這樣他的產品就能具有價格競爭力。Colin Wu說,在加上關稅成本後,他的“兩美元葡萄酒”差不多要賣十美元了。

Charles Shaw is a brand of "extreme value" wine. All from California vineyards, Charles Shaw wines currently include Cabernet Sauvignon, White Zinfandel, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, Valdigue in the style of Beaujolais nouveau, and limited quantities of Pinot Grigio. These wines are sold exclusively by Trader Joe's grocery stores, and sell for $1.99 in California.

Charles Shaw wines are affectionately known as "Two Buck Chuck." Due to transportation costs and other factors, in other states the price can go up to around $4. As such, the wine is often referred to as "Three Buck Chuck" or "Four Buck Chuck" relative to the price.




Grapevines growing on the grounds of the Bronco Wine Company in Ceres, California, where Charles Shaw wine is produced. The winery can be seen through the tall trees in the far distance.

The Charles Shaw label is owned by the Bronco Wine Company, headed by Fred Franzia (formerly of Franzia Brothers wines). The Bronco Wine Company produces the Charles Shaw label at their Ceres, California winery, which is not open to the public.

There once was an actual, eponymous winery owned by Charles F. Shaw, which produced Beaujolais-style wines in the Napa Valley AVA. That winery went out of business, and the name was sold to Bronco.[1]


At the 28th Annual International Eastern Wine Competition, Shaw's 2002 Shiraz received the double gold medal, besting the roughly 2,300 other wines in the competition.[2]

Shaw's 2005 California chardonnay was judged Best Chardonnay from California at the Commercial Wine Competition of the 2007 California Exposition and State Fair. The chardonnay received 98 points, a double gold, with accolades of Best of California and Best of Class.[3]

Labor problems

On May 16, 2008, a 17 year-old immigrant worker named Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez collapsed and later died while pruning vines at a vineyard east of Stockton, CA owned by West Coast Grape Farming, a division of Bronco Wine Company.[4]

On June 8, 2008, an action call went out among bloggers to ask Trader Joe's in their areas to pull Charles Shaw wine until two conditions are met by Bronco Wine Companies:

  • "justice for Maria"
  • "ensured compliance with state mandated working conditions[5] for all of Bronco Wine’s employees."[6]

On June 23, 2008, the United Farm Workers sent a similar request to its mailing list members. The standard UFW petition asks Trader Joe's to:

  • "implement a corporate policy to ensure that your suppliers are not violating the law by failing to provide basic protections"[7]


External links

2009年1月7日 星期三


on Page 87:
"... How I envy the clarity of vision that comes to the travelling salesman in a railway buffet-car at the third highball! How simple the great problems become! ..."

Return to book




━━ n., vi. ハイボール ((ウイスキーをソーダ水で割った飲物)); (鉄道の)進めの信号; 〔俗〕 全速で突っ走る.

  1. A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.
    1. A railroad signal indicating full speed ahead.
    2. A high-speed train.
intr.v. Slang., -balled, -ball·ing, -balls.

To move ahead at full speed.

A highball is the name for a family of mixed drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer. Originally, the most common highball was made with rye whiskey and ginger ale. The Online Etymology Dictionary suggests that the name originated around 1898 and probably derives from ball meaning a "drink of whiskey" and high because it is served in a tall glass.

2009年1月1日 星期四


燒酒 私燒


bathtub gin 私燒錦酒

[ 名词 ]
1. homemade gin especially that made illegally

  三年後,孫嘉淦被任命為直隸總督。當時京輔一帶,酒禁甚嚴,儘管如此,違法的人還 是很多。但是,地方官吏都不敢向上報告。孫嘉淦上任後,根據實情,上疏提出:“禁酒原在災年,現處豐年,不宜再禁。造酒之物,本非朝夕所食,豆皮、大麥、 谷糠、黍谷之類,原屬棄物,雜而成酒,可以得價,其糟可飼六畜。化無用為有用,非作無益害有益也。”他又進一步指出:“利所不在,雖賞不為。利之所在,雖 禁彌甚。燒鍋禁則酒必少,酒少則價必貴,價貴而私燒之利會倍于昔。會倍之利所在,民必性命爭焉。孟子曰:‘君子不以所養人者害人’,本為民生計,而滋擾乃 至此,則立法不可不慎也。”乾隆接到孫嘉淦這份邏輯性強、論證嚴密的上疏,認為他的建議對民生確為有利,決定對禁令作修改,使酒禁較前有所放鬆。