2024年12月17日 星期二

曹永洋.鍾玉澄將The Fixe 翻譯本《修理匠》贈名作家季季 2018。


曹永洋.鍾玉澄將The Fixe 翻譯本《修理匠》贈名作家季季 2018。  佳美 (56) 斯賓諾莎與危險時期的思考藝術Baruch Spinoza and the Art of Thinking in Dangerous Times 政治和知識自由的捍衛者,他向我們展示了謹慎和大膽如何齊頭並進。        Gilles Deleuze《修理匠》(The Fixer (1966) by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯,志文,1983)     《修理匠》的主角Yakov的幾段 Spinoza 哲學說法   德勒茲《斯賓諾莎的實踐哲學》Gilles Deleuze 1981/2005   0702 2016 六






---Bernard Malamud( 1914-1986)《The Fixer》。

Spinoza 哲學說法 德勒茲《斯賓諾莎的實踐哲學》Gilles Deleuze



Culture Dept.


Baruch Spinoza and the Art of Thinking in Dangerous Times

The philosopher was a champion of political and intellectual freedom, but he had no interest in being a martyr. Instead, he shows us how prudence and boldness can go hand in hand.
By Adam Kirsch

《修理匠》(The Fixer (1966) by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯,志文,1983) 《修理匠》的主角Yakov的幾段 Spinoza 哲學說法 德勒茲《斯賓諾莎的實踐哲學》Gilles Deleuze 1981/2005 0702 2016 六


《修理匠》(The Fixer (1966) by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯,志文,1983) 《修理匠》的主角Yakov的幾段 Spinoza 哲學說法 -- 德勒茲《斯賓諾莎的實踐哲學》Gilles Deleuze 1981/2005 引

德勒茲《斯賓諾莎的實踐哲學》Gilles Deleuze 1981/2005

《修理匠》(The Fixer (1966) by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯,志文,1983) 修理匠 《修理匠》的主角Yakov的幾段 Spinoza 哲學說法學》

《修理匠》(The Fixer by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯,志文,1983) 修理匠 《修理匠》的主角Yakov的幾段 Spinoza 哲學說法》

This is how he discovered philosophy. To fill his days and make sense of his situation, Yakov would reflect on the philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza, whom he’d read at nights in his village. Yakov, by his own admission, was no intellectual. But something about Spinoza’s work kept drawing him back, as if to complete the pieces of a puzzle. Yakov tried explaining this to a sympathetic magistrate. ‘What led you to read Spinoza in the first place?’ the magistrate asked. ‘Was it because he was a Jew?’ ‘No, your honor’, 《修理匠》的主角Yakov replied:

I didn’t know who or what he was when I first came across the book – they don’t exactly love him in the synagogue, if you’ve read the story of his life. I found it in a junkyard in a nearby town, paid a kopek, and left cursing myself for wasting money hard to come by. Later I read through a few pages and kept on going as though there were a whirlwind at my back. As I say, I didn’t understand every word but when you’re dealing with such ideas you feel as though you were taking a witch’s ride. After that I wasn’t the same man.

民視新聞--陳文成事件 33分


漫遊愛麗斯的奇境 張華先生 2016-6月15日
張華:漫遊愛麗絲的奇境 (Adventures in Alice’s Wonderlands ) 漢清講堂 台北市新生南路三段88號2樓…


"Everything about him was old except his eyes which were the same color as of the sea and were cheerful and undefeated." 

--Ernest Hemingway

A sentence that sums up it all in a magnificent artistry of words!

Pic  : The Master at his beloved Cojimar village. 

#Hemingway #theoldmanandthesea #novel #nobel #literature #fiction #sea #Cuba #Cojimar #inspiration #idol #boy #books #bookstagram #masterpiece

6點10分回64號晚餐:6:30~7:30 台大陳文成廣場陳博士逝世35周年紀念晚會。
台語 vs 華語的排擠現象:歷史系學生雙聲道

2016.07.02 18:30
35週年追思晚會 @ 台大 陳文成廣場

2016.07.02 18:30
35週年追思晚會 @ 台大 陳文成廣場

▋新增詞條:德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze)
德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze, 1925-1995) 是廿世紀最重要的法國哲學家之一,他與傅柯 (Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)、德希達 (Jacques Derrida, 1930-2004) 被視為「六八世代」(soixante-huitard) 的思想代表,對於當代哲學、文學、藝術、電影、政治哲學與精神分析等諸多學科都產生巨大影響。傅柯曾說,「有一天,或許將會是德勒茲的世紀」。

  德勒茲的廿餘部著作觸及多元的領域,以哲學思考為基底構成一幅豐饒與異質的思想影像,主要可以梳理為三個系列。其中之一是哲學家研究,對休謨、康德、斯賓諾莎、萊布尼茲、尼采、柏格森、傅柯分別以專著提出極具創意的解讀,每一位哲學家的思想在自身的概念上被德勒茲再次「問題化」,而且也同時創造了德勒茲自己的概念。德勒茲曾說這樣的書寫是「我想像自己走近一位作者背後,跟他生一個小孩,既是他的但卻又像是怪物。」這系列著作中還包括豎立了獨特哲學景觀的《差異與重複》(1968)、《意義的邏輯》(1969) 與《何謂哲學?》(1991);第二個系列由哲學概念出發,對文學、電影、藝術與戲劇深入評論,這是奠基在深厚哲學基底的跨域書寫實踐,其原創性不僅為人文領域帶來極大衝擊,而且藝由術作品的強度激起的概念,在哲學的思想運動中擴大了概念創造的可能性。第三個系列是與精神分析師瓜達希 (Félix Guattari, 1930-1992) 合作的四本著作,其中的《反伊底帕斯》(1972) 與《千高原》(1980) 提出了根莖、戰爭機器、無器官身體、欲望機器、游牧等概念,對於當代人文領域展開基進又繁盛的全面性思想實驗,深深撼動既有學科的邊界與想像,徹底實踐兩人在《何謂哲學?》中的著名宣言:「哲學,最嚴格地說,就是創造概念的學科。」

  哲學等同於概念的建構論 (constructivisme),這就是德勒茲哲學所闡明的要旨。這也意謂想理解哲學是什麼,就得理解概念創造是什麼?請注意,「哲學不沈思、不反思、不溝通」,而是創造概念。在《何謂哲學?》中,德勒茲與瓜達希以這個建構論逐一重述柏拉圖、笛卡兒、斯賓諾莎、康德、胡塞爾、柏格森、海德格、薩特等哲學,明確示範與操演哲學家的概念創造。如果這個使得哲學成立的嚴格條件對於德勒茲自己也適用,什麼是特屬於德勒茲的概念創造?想答覆這個問題將不只是要理解他的概念,而且是概念的創造,不只是德勒茲怎麼思考這個或那個概念的內容,而是作為哲學家,他怎麼使概念可以而且應該被創造出來?

  我們將從德勒茲的主要著作中探究概念涉及的問題性場域,尋覓這些概念的系列組裝構成何種可能的世界?提供了何種思想影像?在德勒茲的書中,概念構成思想的特異點 (point singulier),並且由一概念到另一概念間畫出思想的抽象線 (ligne abstraite),激起思想運動,最終,這些異質與原創的點與線舖展成哲學家的內在性平面 (plan d’immanance) 或思想影像。思想的潛能與啟發貫穿著德勒茲的概念,這便是以哲學之名持續展現生機的概念-創造。



"台海軍誤射三枚飛彈" (這是【德國之聲】的筆誤)

以W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)為例,日本科技連(JUSE),1950年設The Deming Prize 至今。美國品管協會 (ASQC)的大都會區於1980年設Deming Prize,他身後,該獎移入ASQ (原ASQC)本 會至今---ASQ 的Juran和 Feigenbaum獎,都是在大師生前設的。
如"筆會",身後設紀念獎的:PEN/Malamud Award



哈金:......我認識一位母親是韓國人的男作家,他寫了一本回憶錄,但出版商逼他改成小說出版,因為沒有人對亞裔男人的自傳感興趣。..... 《錯過的時光:哈金詩選》,頁220
hc評:這,可能很難說,參考The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian By Nirad C....
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian By Nirad C. Chaudhuri 1951

昨天談poetic justice。其實poetic 一字,除了與詩情相關,一直與"美和豐富的情感流露"相關(
Poetic第2義: APPROVING very beautiful or expressing emotion。)
今 天讀1900 年8月26日【紐約時報】發的"尼采教授的訃聞"(Prof. Nietzsche Dead),文末說明他的主要著作
(principal publications): "The Old Faith and the New,"* "The Overman," "The Dawn of Day," "Twilight of the Gods," and "So Spake Zrathustra," which is perhaps the most remarkable of his works.
*2016.7.2 :這本應該非尼采作品:
German philosopher and radical theologian David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874) distinguished himself as one of Europe's most controversial critics of the Bible and an intellectual martyr for freethought. In The Old Faith & the New (1872) he uses both 19th- century science and leading philosophers to reject God as the creator of the universe and humankind, the divinity of Christ, and the reality of miracles (the Old Faith), thus consigning religion to the domains of history, myth, and ethics. With Christianity's cosmology undermined, Strauss constructs a new view of the universe and humanity's place in it grounded in science and contemporary technology, Darwinian evolution, and inductive reasoning (the New Faith), all of which offered the hope of finding solutions to human problems.
Howard Chang Poetic justice, in literature, an outcome in which vice is punished and virtue rewarded, usually in a manner peculiarly or ironically appropriate. The term was coined by the English literary critic Thomas Rymer in the 17th century, when it was believed that a work of literature should uphold moral principles and instruct the reader in correct moral behaviour.

有意思的是,Wikipedia 中文版 為:益智厚生。
(學校類型:私立大學,而其英文為:Type Private nondenominational coeducational (Google:民辦非宗派的男女同校))

2014.7.2 看芝加哥大學人文基本學院的畢業典禮,有意思。
Crescat scientia;
vita excolatur
Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched.

讀Charlie Chaplin《卓別林自傳》My Autobiography.
: 1977.12.25 Chaplin 過世時. 我在英國South End 某家度聖誕節 不記得主人說此惡耗.......
讀 《大霧霾──中世紀以來的倫敦空氣污染史》2016=The Big Smoke: A History of Air Pollution in London Since Medieval Times, 1987
:內有參考資料,說我的母校Essex大學於1976年重印一本17世紀的書:the Rota Edition of Fumilugium, University of Essex, Colchester… 我完全無知.....

Castiel Lin 在「陳文成事件紀念廣場」創意設計構思競圖網路投票相簿中新增了 35 張相片。
國立臺灣大學於102學年度第二學期第二次校務會議中,由學生代表與校內數位教師代表提案,於校內設立「陳文成紀念廣場」;並經103學年度第二學期第一次校務會議決議將圖資系館、第一活動中心、教學二期大樓間之廣場命名為「陳文成事件紀念廣場」。後續並在校內地圖標示「陳文成事件紀念廣場/Dr. Chen Wen-chen Incident Memorial Square」。
如有問題請來信至 cpo@ntu.edu.tw

Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) 。托爾斯泰 Richard Cohen storyteller 2024 0705 補記 Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past 志文的翻譯未有討論 比較去年世堂母難日抄經 How to Write Like Tolstoy: A Journey into the Minds of Our Greatest Writers


Leo Tolstoy, also known as Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, was a prominent Russian author, philosopher, and social reformer. Born on September 9, 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula Province, Russian Empire, Tolstoy is celebrated as one of the greatest novelists in world literature.

Tolstoy's literary legacy is defined by his masterful works of realistic fiction, which continue to captivate readers with their profound insights into human nature and society. His most renowned novels include "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," both of which are considered monumental achievements in the realm of literary fiction. These works exemplify Tolstoy's ability to intricately weave together complex narratives, rich character development, and profound philosophical themes.

Beyond his literary contributions, Tolstoy was a fervent advocate for social and moral reform. His philosophical and religious beliefs, which emphasized non-violence, simplicity, and the pursuit of inner peace, greatly influenced his writings and his personal life. Tolstoy's commitment to humanitarian causes and his critique of social injustice left an indelible mark on the intellectual and cultural landscape of his time.

Tolstoy's enduring influence extends beyond his literary and philosophical endeavors. His profound insights into the human condition, his critique of societal norms, and his exploration of existential themes continue to resonate with readers and scholars worldwide. His legacy as a writer, philosopher, and social reformer remains a testament to the enduring power of his ideas and the impact of his literary works on the fabric of human experience.

Leo Tolstoy's life and works continue to inspire and provoke contemplation, making him a towering figure in the realm of literature and philosophy. His contributions to the literary canon and his unwavering commitment to ethical and spiritual inquiry solidify his status as a luminary of Russian and world literature.

📷✍️Credit Goes To The Respective Owner.

How to Write Like Tolstoy: A Journey into the Minds of Our Greatest Writers Hardcover – 2016年 5月 17日

How to Write Like Tolstoy: A Journey into the Minds of Our Greatest Writers Hardcover – 2016年 5月 17日

For anyone who has ever identified with a hero or heroine, been seduced by a strong opening sentence, or been powerfully moved by a story’s end, How to Write Like Tolstoy is a thought-provoking journey inside the minds of the world’s most accomplished storytellers, from Shakespeare to Stephen King.

“I have tried, as far as possible using the words of the authors themselves, to explain their craft, aiming to take readers on a journey into the concerns, techniques, tricks, flaws, and, occasionally, obsessions of our most luminous writers.”—from the Preface

Behind every acclaimed work of literature is a trove of heartfelt decisions. The best authors put painstaking—sometimes obsessive—effort into each element of their stories, from plot and character development to dialogue and point of view.

What made Nabokov choose the name Lolita? Why did Fitzgerald use first-person narration in 
The Great Gatsby? How did Kerouac, who raged against revision, finally come to revise On the Road? Veteran editor and teacher Richard Cohen draws on his vast reservoir of a lifetime’s reading and his insight into what makes good prose soar. Here are Gabriel García Márquez’s thoughts on how to start a novel (“In the first paragraph you solve most of the problems with your book”); Virginia Woolf offering her definition of style (“It is all rhythm. Once you get that, you can’t use the wrong words”); and Vladimir Nabokov on the nature of fiction (“All great novels are great fairy tales”).

Cohen has researched the published works and private utterances of our greatest authors to discover the elements that made their prose memorable. The result is a unique exploration of the act and art of writing that enriches our experience of reading both the classics and the best modern fiction. Evoking the marvelous, the famous, and the irreverent, he reveals the challenges that even the greatest writers faced—and shows us how they surmounted them.

Praise for How to Write Like Tolstoy

“The highest compliment one can pay 
How to Write Like Tolstoy is that it provokes an overwhelming urge to read and write, to be in dialogue or even doomed competition with the greatest creative minds . . . .  That Mr. Cohen is an editor, that his love of literature comes in large part from awe in the presence of better writers than he, is no small matter. His love is infectious, and regardless of how well he ends up teaching us to write, that is miracle enough.”Wall Street Journal

“[A] perfect tasting menu . . . the homage of a passionate reader to the writers who have provided his ‘main pastime.’ ”
The Sunday Times (U.K.)

“This book is a wry, critical friend to both writer and reader. It is filled with cogent examples and provoking statements. You will agree or quarrel with each page, and be a sharper writer and reader by the end.”
—Hilary Mantel

“These twelve essays are like twelve perfect university lectures on the craft of writing fiction. The professor—or, in this case, author—succeeds in being not only knowledgeable but also interesting, charming, and engaging.”Library Journal (starred review)

“Insightful . . . [Cohen] escorts his readers to Iris Murdoch for sage counsel on launching a novel, to Salman Rushdie for shrewd guidance on developing an unreliable narrator, to Rudyard Kipling for a cagey hint on creating memorable minor characters, and to Leo Tolstoy for a master’s help in transforming personal experience into fictional art.”


“The highest compliment one can pay How to Write Like Tolstoy is that it provokes an overwhelming urge to read and write, to be in dialogue or even doomed competition with the greatest creative minds . . . .  That Mr. Cohen is an editor, that his love of literature comes in large part from awe in the presence of better writers than he, is no small matter. His love is infectious, and regardless of how well he ends up teaching us to write, that is miracle enough.”Wall Street Journal

“[A] perfect tasting menu . . . the homage of a passionate reader to the writers who have provided his ‘main pastime.’ ”
The Sunday Times (U.K.)

“This book is a wry, critical friend to both writer and reader. It is filled with cogent examples and provoking statements. You will agree or quarrel with each page, and be a sharper writer and reader by the end.”
—Hilary Mantel

“These twelve essays are like twelve perfect university lectures on the craft of writing fiction. The professor—or, in this case, author—succeeds in being not only knowledgeable but also interesting, charming, and engaging. . . . [Richard] Cohen reveals the possibilities that lie in wait when authors practice selection and intention, sparking the literary imagination.”
Library Journal (starred review)

“Insightful . . . [Cohen] escorts his readers to Iris Murdoch for sage counsel on launching a novel, to Salman Rushdie for shrewd guidance on developing an unreliable narrator, to Rudyard Kipling for a cagey hint on creating memorable minor characters, and to Leo Tolstoy for a master’s help in transforming personal experience into fictional art. Even readers with no intentions of writing a novel will relish the opportunity to join their favorite authors at the workbench.”
“An elegant, chatty how-to book on writing well, using the lessons of many of the world’s best writers . . . [Cohen] draws on plentiful advice from past and present literary titans. . . . The process of gathering advice from prominent contemporary authors such as Francine Prose, Jonathan Franzen, and Nick Hornby gives Cohen the opportunity to tell any number of amusing, often discursive stories about great literature and authors, mixed with the writers’ own observations.”
Publishers Weekly
“Lush and instructive . . . [Cohen] is a generous tour guide through his literary world.”
Kirkus Reviews


Richard Cohen is the former publishing director of Hutchinson and Hodder & Stoughton and the founder of Richard Cohen Books. Works that he has edited have gone on to win the Pulitzer, Booker, and Whitbread/Costa prizes, and more than twenty have been #1 bestsellers. The author of By the Sword, an award-winning history of swordplay, and Chasing the Sun, a wide-ranging narrative account of the star that gives us life, he was for two years program director of the Cheltenham Festival of Literature and for seven years a visiting professor in creative writing at the University of Kingston-upon-Thames. He has written for The New York Times and most leading London newspapers, and is currently at work on a history of historians. He lives in New York City.


  • 出版者 ‏ : ‎ Random House; Illustrated版 (2016年 5月 17日)
  • 語言 ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 352 頁

Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past Paperback – 2025年 4月 15日

预订价格保证。 條款
A “supremely entertaining” (The New Yorker) exploration of who gets to record the world’s history—from Julius Caesar to William Shakespeare to Ken Burns—and how their biases influence our understanding about the past.

There are many stories we can spin about previous ages, but which accounts get told? And by whom? Is there even such a thing as “objective” history? In this “witty, wise, and elegant” (
The Spectator), book, Richard Cohen reveals how professional historians and other equally significant witnesses, such as the writers of the Bible, novelists, and political propagandists, influence what becomes the accepted record. Cohen argues, for example, that some historians are practitioners of “Bad History” and twist reality to glorify themselves or their country.

“Scholarly, lively, quotable, up-to-date, and fun” (Hilary Mantel, author of the bestselling Thomas Cromwell trilogy), 
Making History investigates the published works and private utterances of our greatest chroniclers to discover the agendas that informed their—and our—views of the world. From the origins of history writing, when such an activity itself seemed revolutionary, through to television and the digital age, Cohen brings captivating figures to vivid light, from Thucydides and Tacitus to Voltaire and Gibbon, Winston Churchill and Henry Louis Gates. Rich in complex truths and surprising anecdotes, the result is a revealing exploration of both the aims and art of history-making, one that will lead us to rethink how we learn about our past and about ourselves.

晴園   櫻桃園出版社 夫婦 邀稿

時報文化 2021年  著作的翻譯2024   storytellers shaping the past 史學家 夏曼回去Amazon 找書評  其他著作 文學家12講 Leo Tolstoy為題 將個人經驗轉化為小說   封面逗趣(大英條目選一照片)


英文 wisdom daily calender 


Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) was an English philosopher, lawyer, and statesman, often referred to as the English Socrates. He was influenced by the humanist movement of the period, particularly figures like Erasmus and Colet.
One of More's most famous works is "Utopia," a description of an imaginary ideal world. It is seen as the true prologue to the Renaissance and is considered the first monument of modern socialism. The word "Utopia" itself means "the kingdom of nowhere," reflecting the idea that it is an ideal that cannot be achieved in reality. Originally written in Latin in 1516, it was later translated into English by Ralph Robinson in 1551.
More's other notable English prose works include "The Lyfe of John Picus" and "The Historie of Richard III." The latter is an unfinished historical work, but is considered the best example of humanist historiography in England and the first in the English language.
Sir Thomas More is also credited with being the first writer of the middle style, which combined elements of both the ornate style and the plain style in English literature.
Overall, Sir Thomas More's contributions to English literature and philosophy have made him an important figure in the field, and his works continue to be studied and appreciated by book lovers and literature enthusiasts.
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