2025年1月20日 星期一

《曹永洋先生師友記:老曹傳奇或他與我們》......「漢清講堂」等想像的共同體.....朋友們共譜回憶錄.....《張清吉先生紀念文集》(2023)、《新潮文庫 解說目錄 2005》中的管理學大師 杜拉克(Peter Drucker ) 《旁觀者:管理學 杜拉克 回憶錄》的溫故知新和啟示 (社會、人物、文學......):BLOG"Deming and Drucker" 杜拉克夫人與《居禮夫人》的故事.....。 曾繁城先生在新書 《他鄉.故鄉:在動盪的時代,「臺灣行者」把我們的島打造成世界的光》。小說 Martin Chuzzlewit 到Howards End


《曹永洋先生師友記:老曹傳奇或他與我們》......「漢清講堂」等想像的共同體.....朋友們共譜回憶錄.....《張清吉先生紀念文集》(2023)中的管理學大師 杜拉克(Peter Drucker ) 《旁觀者:管理學 杜拉克 回憶錄》的溫故知新和啟示 (社會、人物、文學......):BLOG"Deming and Drucker" 杜拉克夫人與《居禮夫人》的故事.....。 曾繁城先生在新書 《他鄉.故鄉:在動盪的時代,「臺灣行者」把我們的島打造成世界的光》  


Howards End
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Howards_End

Howards End is a novel by E. M. Forster, first published in 1910, about social conventions, codes of conduct and relationships in turn-of-the-century ..

is a novel of high quality written with what appears to be a feminine brilliance of perception.

Martin Chuzzlewit
Cover of serial edition seventh instalment, July 1843
AuthorCharles Dickens
Original titleThe Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
IllustratorHablot Knight Browne (Phiz)
PublishedSerialised: January 1843 – July 1844; as a book 1844
PublisherChapman & Hall
Publication placeEngland

《曹永洋先生師友記:老曹傳奇或他與我們》......「漢清講堂」等想像的共同體.....朋友們共譜回憶錄.....《張清吉先生紀念文集》(2023)中的管理學大師 杜拉克(Peter Drucker ) 《旁觀者:管理學 杜拉克 回憶錄》的溫故知新和啟示 。

Adventures of A Bystander譯本出版者,從聯經到1996 天下文化 2016~https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010715134

曾繁城先生在新書 《他鄉.故鄉:在動盪的時代,「臺灣行者」把我們的島打造成世界的光》  


花心思心力在弄 曹永洋與我們的交情:「志文/新潮文庫 」「曹永洋家鄉、親、師、友,學生情」「東海大學校友25年」 「漢清講堂」等想像的共同體的書,這是繼張清吉先生紀念文集》(2023)的續集,主角移到曹先生的(張先生的友情等最重要)和著作(電影藝術,黑澤明的世界》的《歷史人物的回聲》兩書,後者焦點放在列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy,1828-1910)托爾斯泰作品作家論:志文出版諸書《戰爭與和平》《安娜‧卡列尼娜》《一日一善》 等等。《電影藝術,黑澤明的世界 》「 紅鬍子」「生之欲」等)。我知道您還可以深入談張先生和其交情,所以請您考慮賜稿,或可與去年出書所漏掉的朋友之補充,使我們作品增光。謝謝您。



在當今快節奏的世界裡,托爾斯泰的觀點提供了一種令人耳目一新的生活方式。 「休息、自然、書籍、音樂」看似簡單的樂趣,但在托爾斯泰後期作品的背景下,它們體現了超越現代物質主義的更深層次的滿足感。他的名言之美在於其永恆的智慧——在滋養靈魂的事物中而不是在轉瞬即逝的外在成功中找到滿足感。在日常生活的混亂中,他的話語讓我們停下來,重新與那些帶給我們平靜和快樂的元素連結。無論是透過大自然散步、閱讀一本好書或聆聽令人平靜的音樂,托爾斯泰都提醒我們,幸福不在於追逐下一件大事,而在於擁抱我們周圍存在的簡單、充實的時刻。

Leo Tolstoy, one of the most profound writers in the history of literature, is best known for his timeless works such as War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877). These masterpieces delve deep into the human condition, exploring themes of love, morality, and the complexities of society. Yet, beyond his literary achievements, Tolstoy's reflections on life and happiness continue to resonate with people around the world. In his later years, Tolstoy embraced a simpler, more serene life, seeking solace in nature, literature, and music. His quote, "Rest, nature, books, music... such is my idea of happiness," speaks volumes about his personal philosophy and his belief that true contentment lies not in material wealth or fame but in the quiet moments that nourish the soul.

Tolstoy's idea of happiness reflects his broader spiritual and philosophical evolution. In the latter part of his life, particularly after his spiritual awakening in the 1870s, Tolstoy sought to distance himself from the opulence and responsibilities that came with his noble status. He became increasingly drawn to a life of simplicity, advocating for a return to nature, a focus on moral integrity, and an appreciation for life's small joys. His ideal of happiness is not about external achievements but about inner peace, which can be cultivated through immersion in the natural world, personal reflection through books, and the soothing power of music. This shift towards simplicity is a stark contrast to the world of aristocratic privilege in which he was born, but it exemplifies Tolstoy's quest for spiritual fulfillment.

In today’s fast-paced world, Tolstoy’s perspective offers a refreshing approach to life. "Rest, nature, books, music" might seem like simple pleasures, but in the context of Tolstoy’s later works, they embody a deeper sense of fulfillment that transcends modern-day materialism. The beauty of his quote lies in its timeless wisdom—finding contentment in the things that nurture the soul rather than in fleeting external success. In the chaos of everyday life, his words invite us to pause and reconnect with the elements that bring us peace and joy. Whether through a walk in nature, a good book, or the calming strains of music, Tolstoy reminds us that happiness is found not in chasing after the next big thing but in embracing the simple, enriching moments that exist all around us.



