《東海士林》草稿3 黃春明(1935年—)《石羅漢日記》(秀海文化 2023 )參照 莊喆(1934年—) 《羅漢》歷史博物館 的 《主題‧原象---莊喆 畫展》* (2005) 2024補莊喆的這些羅漢像,送給他老哥莊因當生日禮物
相隔約17年, 黃春明的《石羅漢日記》可以和 莊的貫休的諸羅漢像 對話嗎?
莊喆老師的80回顧展 (台北市立美術館)莊喆為亞洲大學美術館的駐校畫家2024 (90歲)
莊喆老師的80回顧展 (台北市立美術館),跟他談2分鐘 (請教)
0815 2011
在某 used books 買到歷史博物館 的 《主題‧原象---莊喆 畫展》* (2005)
末頁 「學歷」:第2行 1963-73 執教於東海大學建築系
(然後他出國榮歸台灣 兩次任教1年或一學期
不知道是否有其他讓他感到回東海會有"物非人非"之處?? 我想主要原因可能是東海建築或美術系的人跟他都關係淡了。雖然還有這樣寫:
簡說羅漢畫 莊喆 Depictions of the Guardians of the Law: Lohan Painting in China《大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記》大阿蘿漢Latter days of the law : images of Chinese Buddhism, 850-1850
初版發行日期: 1994 年
作者: 派翠西亞·安·貝加
183 |
第 217 頁 - Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
第 185 頁 - ... just now have shown. This man, with this virtue of his, is about to embrace the ten thousand things and roll them into one. Though the age calls for reform, why should he wear himself out over the affairs of the world? There is nothing that can harm this man. Though flood waters pile up to the sky, he will not drown. Though a great drought melts metal and stone and scorches the earth and hills, he will not be burned. From his dust and leavings alone you could mold a Yao or a Shun! Why should...
第 185 頁 - What were his words like?" asked Lien Shu. "He said that there is a Holy Man living on faraway Ku-she Mountain, with skin like ice or snow, and gentle and shy like a young girl. He doesn't eat the five grains, but sucks the wind, drinks the dew, climbs up on the clouds and mist, rides a flying dragon, and wanders beyond the four seas. By concentrating his spirit, he can protect creatures from sickness and plague and make the harvest plentiful. I thought this was all insane and refused to believe...
《大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記》CBETA 電子版No. 2030
http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw › chi_pdf › sutra20
大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記. 大唐三藏法師玄奘奉詔譯. 如是傳聞。佛薄伽梵般涅槃後八百年中。執師子國勝軍王都。有阿羅漢名難提蜜. 多羅(唐言慶友)。
2022 — 8年前罹癌,身體不僅在化療煎熬中挺過來,病中還能再創作出長篇小說,以《秀琴,這個愛笑的女孩》拿下去年(2021)金鼎獎,成為最年長的獲獎者。黃春明精神飽實, ...