2024年8月13日 星期二

悅讀聯副 劉森堯 倫敦日記 約翰生博士 回信給曹永洋 近況譯事 2024。左手。日本人的翻譯志工

品 誠 提案 月刊 比較岩坡等


劉森堯Proust 歡樂 托爾斯泰崇拜

Barbara Hepworth was left-handed and famously said 'My left hand is my thinking hand. The right is only a motor hand. This holds the hammer. The left hand, the thinking hand, must be relaxed, sensitive. The rhythms of thought pass through the fingers and grip of this hand into the stone. It is also a listening hand. It listens for basic weaknesses of flaws in the stone; for the possibility or imminence of fractures'

Other famous artists who were also thought or known to be left-handed included Michelangelo, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Klee, Karel Appel, Lucien Freud and Raoul Dufy. 


Photograph of Barbara Hepworth examining her artwork Oval Sculpture, 1959. Photo © The Estate of Tom Picton. Barbara Hepworth © Bowness




父親已過世近五年,早上向母親問安, 告訴母親日本旅台作家近藤彌生子女士,以兩年時間陸續翻譯家母自傳<<追尋:從鹿港到眷村的歲月>>為日文(中文版十四年前出版,網路上可閱讀開源版電子書),日前全書已翻譯與發表完成。



