2015年10月29日 星期四


所以,這麼多儀式和技巧反而是對葡萄酒的尊重,最糟糕的是土豪買了 20 萬的酒乾掉,或是讓它在不適當的時候被喝掉。法國有句話叫做『凡是美好的事物都需要等待』,等待是美好的一部分,當然不是每瓶酒都需要這樣的儀式,法國是一個很有厚度和自信的民族,建立很深刻的文化在每一件事情上。」


L’Imagination Culturelle du Vin


  法國外交官Paul Claudel:「葡萄酒是品味的教授,藉由引導我們如何呵護內在的自我,它奔放了心靈,也開啟了智慧。」
  不知從何時開始,葡萄酒在台灣逐漸成為顯學,不懂一點皮毛,似乎就有些追不上潮流。然而想懂得葡萄酒又談何容易?法國微生物學者巴斯德(Louis Pasteur, 1822-1895)不是說嗎:「在一瓶葡萄酒裡,蘊含著比所有的書裡更多的哲學。」面對如此浩瀚又細膩的葡萄酒文化,在法國求學、工作、生活,回國又涉入外交事務而有緣於葡萄酒社交的本書作者,試圖從他的個人經驗與生活體會出發,為讀者剖析葡萄酒文化的面面觀。
  在台灣,葡萄酒隱然有成為一種消費主義「物化」行為的趨勢,其背後的豐富文化蘊涵反倒不受重視。於是作者從個人的生活事件著手,娓娓敘述一則又一則的故事,在杯觥交錯與社交對話之中,為我們一點一滴拉開葡萄酒文化的大門:著名的一八五五年波爾多分級、吉隆河左岸M?doc次產區的布爾喬亞分級、葡萄酒雙B勃根地與波爾多的愛恨情仇、粉紅酒(vin ros?)的淵遠流長、二軍酒的出現、香檳的榮光……等等,這些有關葡萄酒的知識,說它是進入葡萄酒文化的門檻,倒不如說是從真實生活發展出來的品味。作者想望我們在品味葡萄酒的同時,千萬別忘了葡萄酒文化的核心價值是分享,而不是止於孤芳自賞;亦即,當我們打開一瓶葡萄酒,瓶裡所蘊含的文化哲學,值得我們用一種美好的態度舉杯共賞。


法國在台協會主任 包美城 [Patrick Bonneville]
義大利經貿文化推廣辦事處代表 馬忠義[Mario Palma]
元大金控董事長 顏慶章
Part1歷史與想像(L'Histoire et l'Imagination)
Part2香檳與榮光(Le Champagne et la Gloire)
Part3酒神與侍酒師(Le Bacchus et le Sommelier)
Part4酒瓶與酒塞(La Bouteille de vin et le Bouchon)
Part5品味與靈魂(Le Gout et l'Ame)

法國在台協會主任 包美城
  中華文化當中也有著文化與酒的結合,台灣則以高梁酒著稱。所以對酒的喜愛不在話下。唐朝詩人李白曾寫道 「古來聖賢皆寂寞,惟有飲者留其名」,我則期盼楊子葆先生能同時以「飲者」與「賢者」留名青史。
馬忠義(Mario Palma,義大利經貿文化推廣辦事處代表)
  法國人非常能夠了解愛情對我們義大利人是多麼的重要,而葡萄酒也是,就像楊子葆先生很愛引用的一句法國俗諺:「當一個法國人擁有愛情與葡萄酒,就會像義大利人一樣快樂。」(Gai comme un italien quand il a de l’amour et du vin)。法國啟蒙時代的偉大作家、哲學家伏爾泰 (Voltaire),同時也是個義大利葡萄酒鑑賞家:在他的著名小說《憨第德》(Candide)第24章就曾提及“Montepulciano”和“Lacryma Christi”這兩種義大利葡萄酒,現在都已被視為國際級的知名美酒。
  一段出處尚待查考的話,娓娓訴說品賞葡萄酒的哲理:「自有文明開始,葡萄酒就增進了我們的生命,有如音樂、詩詞與宗教一般地形成我們文化的一部分。它是屬於適度的飲品,並且合宜地在用餐時與賓客、家人與朋友分享。」(Wine has enhanced our lives since civilization began, and is as much as a part of our culture as music, poetry and religion. It has ever been the beverage of moderation and cordiality to be enjoyed at mealtimes with guests, family and friends.)這段話告訴我們葡萄酒等同於音樂、詩詞與宗教,曼妙地孕育出西洋人們的文化,應該讓我們東方人對葡萄酒充滿著愉悅的遐想吧!
  二○○八年五月,子葆先生暫時揮別璀燦卻又忙碌的公職生涯,在輔仁大學傳道、授業、解惑之餘,得有閒暇思索心靈深處的欲求,經重新檢視往昔三十餘篇葡萄酒文稿,頓時觸動詩歌撫慰的渴望與哲理啟發的期盼。子葆先生不吝將之匯成「葡萄酒文化想像」新作,目的應在帶領讀者沿著尚未泯滅的足跡,去尋覓生活中所失去的寶貝!是的,誠如另一位傑出法國外交官Paul Claudel(1868-1955)所闡釋的:「葡萄酒是品味的教授,藉由引導我們如何呵護內在的自我,它奔放了心靈,也開啟了智慧。」(Wine is a professor of taste and, by teaching us how to attend to our inner selves, it frees the mind and enlightens intelligence.)
  於今喜見子葆先生饒富品味的教授,藉由三十餘篇宏文的引導,讓讀者呵護內在自我之餘,得以奔放心靈又開啟智慧!兩千年前羅馬帝國勤於著述的哲學家兼武將Pling the Elder有如此傳世名言:「葡萄酒中有真理」(In wine there is truth.),他宣稱:「作值得寫與寫值得讀的,方屬真正的榮耀」(true glory consists of doing what deserves to be written, and writing what deserves to be read)!我與子葆先生有幸共同雅好葡萄酒文化,在本書付梓前承蒙 畀以凝神品賞的喜悅,並獲 囑咐為一序言。謹在此對子葆先生這項「真正的榮耀」,致上衷心的祝福,並恭賀讀者得以分享這份美好,何妨陶醉在如此「理智的盛宴與靈感的篇章」(the feast of reason and the flow of soul.)吧!


  • 楊子葆:有時候,紅酒冰一下很傷感情

    這天午後有陽光,若在陽光下走這一整段,其實挺熱人。訪談地點是約在咖啡店,但他或者是不願讓我們失望,微笑問我們是否他該點杯葡萄酒來喝才是。 他是楊子葆,目前的身分是輔大教授。看到他也許有些人覺得面熟,畢竟他曾經出現在電視新聞頻道裡,當時的身分可能是中華民國駐法代表,或者是外交部政 more

2015年10月25日 星期日

“We don’t grow older, we grow riper.”–Pablo Picasso

“We don’t grow older, we grow riper.”–Pablo Picasso
Happy birthday to Picasso!

2015年10月23日 星期五


James Joyce, writer 新增了 1 張相片。

時代考驗老年 (Sonya);關於死亡,我們告訴自己的四個故事 (Stephen Cave)


Sonya (Our lightning

哲學家史提芬.凱夫 (Stephen Cave) 以一個陰鬱但引人注目的問題為開頭:你何時第一次意識到自己會死亡?另外更有意思的問題:為何我們人類一直都抗拒死亡的必然性?在這個精采的演說中,凱夫探索了四種──橫跨在各種文明之間──我們告訴自己的故事「為的是幫助我們面對死亡的恐懼」。
哲學家史提芬.凱夫 (Stephen Cave)…

2015年10月22日 星期四

Unfortunately, when you get old, people don't visit. That's life."

95-year-old man calls radio show saying he's lonely..and gets invited to studio for coffee: "Unfortunately, when you get old, people don't visit. That's life."

2015年10月18日 星期日


財訊新增了 6 張新相片
‪#‎老謝看世界‬ ‪#‎紅酒‬

2015年10月17日 星期六

天氣異常,法國釀酒會全然不同了.....The Way That France Makes Wine Is About to Change Forever

The Way That France Makes Wine Is About to Change Forever

This summer was a scorcher in France, the second-hottest on record. For Bordeaux wine growers, those searing temperatures were the latest reminder that global warming is threatening to upend their world.
In a vineyard on the outskirts of the world’s wine capital, Agnes Destrac, a researcher with France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research, points to shriveled merlot grapes, left to linger on the vine well past harvest time to simulate the effects of rising temperatures.
Merlot grapes
Merlot grapes
Photographer: Rudy Ruitenberg/Bloomberg
“You have to keep in mind the limits of the grape,” Destrac said. “We’re not going to keep merlot no matter what.”
A few years ago, such talk would have been heresy in a place where merlot vines cover more than 60 percent of the red-wine area. But now Destrac is at the forefront of a race to hunt for grapes that can better withstand heat, helping Bordeaux’s $4.2 billion wine industry adapt to a hotter world.
Merlot is Bordeaux’s earliest-ripening red, and its character would change if a warmer climate meant fully ripe berries in August rather than September, said Bernard Farges, a winemaker and president of the Conseil Interprofessionel du Vin de Bordeaux, the local wine board.
Overripe merlot loses its class and freshness, becoming “a fruit bomb with no hard edges,” Master of Wine Clive Coates wrote in his 2004 book, “The Wines of Bordeaux.”
An alternative ideally would yield a wine that still is typical of Bordeaux, Farges said. That means a deep red that’s easy to drink with meals, not too high in alcohol and elegant.

Reliable Producer

Farges is already looking for that grape. He’s experimenting with petit verdot, a traditional variety whose late and often unreliable ripening has held back its cultivation in the region. As temperatures increase and the grape becomes a more reliable producer, the variety can add tannins, color and flavor to Bordeaux reds.
France’s wine regions are organized in controlled designations of origin, known by their French acronym AOC, with rules on growing areas and grape types based on centuries of growing experience.
Global warming means tradition may have to go out the window. Bordeaux has heated up almost 1 degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) since the 1980s, and more increases could push merlot outside its comfort zone. From Champagne in the north to the Rhone valley in the south, vines are flowering earlier and fruit is maturing more quickly than a generation ago.
In all four scenarios used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a scientific intergovernmental body overseen by the United Nations, the region is expected to continue warming through 2050. In its scenario of rising greenhouse-gas emissions, average temperatures may be about 4 degrees higher than the 1975-2005 average by the end of the century.

Eight-Year Experiment

The Bordeaux wine board has asked to change the regulations of the AOC so growers starting in 2016 can try out grape varieties now barred under the label of the world’s most famous wine region. It’s proposing to add four red-wine grapes to the six allowed in the AOC as part of an eight-year experiment. The plantings would include regional varieties as well as Marselan, a cross between Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache developed in 1961.
At the research institute’s vineyard, 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) south of the wine board’s 18th century headquarters, Destrac oversees a plot of 52 grape varieties -- including vines from Portugal, Greece and Italy -- as part of the Vitadapt experiment. Touriga nacional, a grape from northern Portugal used in port wine, held up well despite heat waves this summer.
Agnes Destrac
Agnes Destrac
Photographer: Rudy Ruitenberg/Bloomberg
“Portuguese varieties could be good candidates,” said Destrac, who previously studied tomato genetics. “We know they can stand high temperatures and they’re on an ocean front.”

Counted, Crushed

Every week, she gathers grapes for analysis at the nearby Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, tracking sugar content as the fruit progresses. The berries are counted, weighed and crushed into juice that fills trays of test tubes with colors from pale yellow to deep red.
An extremely hot July pushed up sugar levels and reduced the acidity that provides freshness to wine, Destrac found.
Studying new varieties will give wine makers more tools to confront climate change -- and with vineyards typically planted for 30 years, the time for research is now, said Vincent Cruege, wine maker at Chateau La Louviere in Bordeaux’s Pessac-Leognan appellation. To make great wines, you need to be at the northern growing limit for the variety, he noted.
But Cruege isn’t convinced that global warming presents as big a problem as others believe. While sugar content has changed in the past 25 years, that’s as much the result of new agricultural practices as warmer weather, he said. Pruning, defoliating and thinning out unripe bunches can control crop development, meaning overripe merlot isn’t his biggest concern.
Harvest in the Bordeaux region
Harvest in the Bordeaux region
Photographer: Bob Edme/AP Photo
“How we work the vines can have more effect than the vintage,” said Cruege, who started out as a trainee at domain La Louviere more than 25 years ago and became head oenologist for owner Vignobles Andre Lurton in 2013.

Changing Environment

Even so, winemakers “will have to manage a changing environment,” said Herve Le Treut, a lead author for the most recent report by the intergovernmental climate-change panel. “Nature reacts extremely strongly to changes in temperature. We’ll need to know, for various wine-grape varietals and cultivation methods, what has to be preserved, at what price.”
With climate talks in Paris approaching, Le Treut said an agreement to limit global warming is of “capital importance.” By the end of the century, summer heat waves might bring Bordeaux temperatures 10 degrees above normal, he predicted.
“In the face of coming climate change, we need to experiment,” Farges said. Bordeaux “has to be able to adapt.”

2015年10月13日 星期二

In places all around the world, people still prefer local beer

In places all around the world, people still prefer local b
eer http://bloom.bg/1GExXJy

2015年10月12日 星期一


1. 我年輕時讀過英國Rothschild 家族某次開一瓶紅酒,倒一杯 wine給客人。客人當然知道那杯價值不菲......

2. 在張超英悼念張繼高先生《專業的知識人》(《中國時報 人間副刊》1995.7.3)中,兩次提到 顏千鶴女士。一是張繼高先生讀燕京大學的英文老師,與顏千鶴的東海大學老師是同一人,張先生沒說出老師的名字,她應該是美籍外文系主任柯安思教授(Prof. Anne Cochran),參考

Cochran, Anne, 1902-1999. 柯安思Tunghai - Omnibus - Sites


3. 章青駒先生 (-2015)當世界先進董事長時,我偶爾從KJ Wu得知他參加昔日ERSO高階主管的聚會,也捨得花大錢開名貴紅酒。

BBC 報導:
葡萄酒收藏者的煩惱 - 喝還是留?

2015年10月6日 星期二

The secret of a good old age

"The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude."
--from "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967) by Gabriel García Márquez
The brilliant, bestselling, landmark novel that tells the story of the Buendia family, and chronicles the irreconcilable conflict between the desire for solitude and the need for love—in rich, imaginative prose that has come to define an entire genre known as "magical realism."

台灣亞洲最優:臨終病人死亡品質(Quality of Death)

1006 英國「經濟學人資訊社」今公布臨終病人死亡品質(Quality of Death)的全球性調查,台灣維持全亞洲最優國家的地位,也是唯一擠進前10名的亞洲國家,全球排名則是第6,落後排名前5的英國、澳洲、紐西蘭、愛爾蘭及比利時。





2015年10月4日 星期日

Starbucks Rolls Out New Evening Menu with Wine and Beer

Chardonnay 是作白酒的葡萄,所以圖書的紅酒有點奇怪:

Chardonnay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChardonnayChardonnay (pronounced: [ʃaʁ.dɔ.nɛ]) is a green-skinned grape variety used to make white wine. It originated in the Burgundy wine region of eastern France ...History - ‎Viticulture - ‎France - ‎North America

Latte in the morning, Chardonnay in the evening.

Starbucks want to make $1 billion by adding alcohol to the mix. Here's our…

Harry Bernstein[ :" My 90s were the most productive years of my life."

Growing Bolder相片
2小時 ·

Growing BolderRichard Jenrow其他 4 人
7月11日 ·

The power of persistence. Harry Bernstein wrote 40 books but destroyed the manuscripts after they were all rejected by publishers. Bernstein was 93 when his wife of 67 years died and started writing to help deal with his grief. He spent 3 years writing his memoir "The Invisible Wall."

He sent the manuscript to many New York publishers, all of whom turned it down. Then he sent it to an editor at Random House in the UK, where it sat in a pile of unsolicited manuscripts for a year before it was read by a stunned publishing director who immediately recognized it as inspired writing. It was published in 2007 when Mr. Bernstein was 98. He would write three more acclaimed books, all of which were published, up until his death at 101. Bernstein called his 90s, "the most productive years of my life."