2008年3月30日 星期日


英国《金融时报》艾伦•凯恩(Alan Cane)报道 2008年3月31日 星期一 “红酒抗癌”的观点在上周得到巩固:一项研究报告为这个受到广泛宣传的观点提供了更多科学依据。

By Alan Cane Monday, March 31, 2008
The much publicised idea that red wine can protect against cancer is given a boost this week through research that provides the notion with more scientific underpinning.

罗彻斯特大学(University of Rochester)的研究人员首次证明,在葡萄皮和红酒中发现的天然抗氧化剂白藜芦醇可以破坏胰腺癌细胞的线粒体,从而有助于消灭这种癌细胞。线粒体是一种微小的细胞器官,存在于大多数活细胞中,为这些细胞提供能量。Researchers at the University of Rochester have shown for the first time that resveratrol, a natural antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine, helps to destroy cancerous pancreatic cells by crippling the diseased cells' mitochondia, the minute organelles found in the majority of living cells which provide them with energy.

罗 彻斯特大学的研究人员发现,白藜芦醇可以让肿瘤细胞对杀癌射线更加敏感,同时让健康细胞不那么容易受到影响。他们的研究成果发表在3月份的《实验医学与生 物学进展》(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)杂志上。研究表明,红酒与常规放射疗法(即化疗--HC案: 翻譯錯誤)并举,可以破坏癌细胞的线粒体,切断癌细胞的能量供应,从而有效杀死癌细胞。The Rochester researchers found that resveratrol made tumour cells more sensitive to cancer-destroying radiation while rendering healthy cells less susceptible. Published in this month's Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, their work suggests that a combination of red wine and conventional radiation or chemotherapy can be effective in killing cancer cells by crippling their mitochondria and so cutting off the cells' supply of energy.

罗彻斯特大学医学中心放射肿瘤学主任保罗•奥库涅夫(Paul Okunieff)表示,尽管没有对常规治疗期间的红酒饮用量进行过认真研究,但饮用红酒是可以的。他认为,最好的办法是,患者想喝多少红酒或紫葡萄汁, 就让他们喝多少。Paul Okunieff, head of radiation oncology at the university's medical centre, said that although red wine consumption during conventional treatment had not been well studied it was not prohibited. He suggested the best approach was to let the patient drink as much red wine or purple grape juice as he or she wanted.
