2016年10月29日 星期六


HEALTH.GVM.COM.TW|作者:健康遠見 - 對身體好!

Why contemplating death changes how you think

Reading this article could temporarily change your politics, biases and decision-making.

From the archive

2016年10月28日 星期五

半百老人用的 emojis

半百老人用的 emojis
BBC England
"I need something that shows pain because my back hurts, my knees hurt and I need emojis with glasses" Grandmother Diane Hill designs "emoldjis" to reflect her needs 👴👵

Diane Hill, from Coventry, felt that existing smiling, sleepy and sad faces did not represent the lives and likes of older people.
The 56-year-old compiled her own "emoldjis" for the over 50s.
An artist sketched her ideas which were sent to off to the Unicode Consortium which regulates emoji updates.

2016年10月26日 星期三

Demographics and markets: The effects of ageing

Will the rising number of retirees cause inflation and help stave off a fresh crisis?

Will the rising number of retirees cause inflation and help stave off a fresh crisis?


但數字會說話,台灣 3大退休真相卻揭露:65歲後的日子可能跟你想的完全不一樣。

2016年10月24日 星期一


// 日本為了準備迎接極度老化的人口,十多年前進行一個很大膽也很有遠見的改革,就是推出國民保險金的制度,四十歲以上開始供款,然後到六、七十歲以後,由個案經理審批應該配對什麼安老的服務,根據個人財政狀況再決定政府應該付多少。這制度一出台,一夜間一個千億養老安老商業市場激活了,各行各業起動創意,看看如何分一杯羹,十多年後的今天,便發展成百花齊放、朝氣勃勃的市場和產業鏈。
所以有朋友參觀日本安老院舍時,總慨歎為何用香港一般私院院舍的價錢,可以在日本享受養和醫院般的空間和生活質素?我記得日本電視台朋友來香港採訪鑽的,拍攝我們帶長者免費參加鑽的休娛夜遊活動,編導只帶了一盒有十二塊的曲奇餅送禮,但後來發現院舍有一百二十人,她感到很驚訝和尶尬 .... //

2016年10月22日 星期六

Caring for an Aging Population. What Happens When Careers Last 20 Years Longer?

Image for the news result
Caring for an Aging Population
Stanford Social Innovation Review - 13 hours ago
Caring for an Aging Population. Ideas to help address the ...

We used to have a few simple phases to existence: childhood, education, work, and retirement. Now, entirely new phases of adulthood have emerged.
Both people and companies will have to get more flexible.

2016年10月17日 星期一

2016年探索加州葡萄酒年度品酒會 the 2016 Discover California Wines Annual Tasting,

我職責的一大好處就是能參加像加州餐酒協會所舉辦的2016年探索加州葡萄酒年度品酒會的活動。加州是美國生產葡萄酒最多的州,我今天品嚐了他們最棒的一些紅酒與白酒,也學到很多和葡萄酒有關的學問。我喝了黑皮諾、卡本內蘇維翁、梅洛、金粉黛、和夏多內,即使我不是很懂葡萄酒,也覺得非常享受。希望各位也能品嚐這些優質的美國產品。乾杯! --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
One of the fun perks of my job is getting to go to events like the 2016 Discover California Wines Annual Tasting, which is hosted by the California Wine Institute. I had the chance today to sample excellent red and white wines from America’s biggest wine producing state and learned a great deal about the complexities of wine. I tasted Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, and Chardonnay. It was a treat – even for someone like me who is not an expert on wine. I urge you to taste some of these fine U.S. products. Gan Bei!...km

2016年10月7日 星期五

Life expectancy rises 10 years across globe, but more suffer in old age

“Development drives, but does not determine health... we see countries that have improved far faster than can be explained by income, education or fertility. And we also continue to see countries – including the United States – that are far less healthy than they should be given their resources.”

As Aids and malaria deaths drop, 70% of deaths are now caused by diseases that often have lifestyle origins, study finds

2016年10月6日 星期四

Designing a better future for Taiwan’s Aging Population

5% Design Action, designing a better future for Taiwan’s Aging Population
World Design Capital Open Call participant 5% Design Action continued its project “Next Design for an Aging Society” last week.
Experts from the aging life care field and Taiwan designers came together to discuss various topics exploring the success of elderly care in Japan, the aging care movement in the community, urban gardening for local care centers and facing death and life.
During next week's International Design House Exhibition (10/13-10/30), you'll have the chance to take part in three workshops hosted by 5% Design Action at the 活的展 Taipei Issuuuue exhibition. Spots are very limited.
2016臺北世界設計之都 國際Open Call - 5% Design Action - 設計思考工作坊 「老派人生之必要」,聚集不同領域專家及設計師探索日本長照典範、社區高齡運動、城市農業耕作到社區照護及正視死亡與生命等議題等議題,希望藉此為臺灣打造更友善高齡環境,此工作坊同時也會在10月國際設計大展中舉辦,快一起貢獻5%的時間與力量為臺灣打造更友善的高齡社會!工作坊開放報名中!
Workshop topics and registration links (in Chinese):
1. Elderly health experience (高齡健康桌遊)
October 16, 14:00 - 16:00
link: http://pics.ee/XN~
2. Dealing with death (In Peace 死亡思考)
October 23, 14:00 to 16:00
3. The 10 minute health bank「十分鐘健康撲滿」
October 29, 15: 00-15: 40
For more information in Chinese please follow:
5% Design Action Facebook page (in Chinese):
Come join us at WDC Taipei 2016
October Events Calendar: https://goo.gl/am3ZBZ
Web: http://wdc2016.taipei/en/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wdctaipei2016/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WDCTaipei2016

2016年10月3日 星期一





他一個人孤零零的死去,長達兩年半的時間,屍體腐爛到只剩下骨頭….他有過家庭,醫院有病歷,社福單位也有他的資料,他怎麼可能就被世人所遺忘呢?台灣也越來越多獨居老人的新聞,#是催繳帳單發現他們的死亡,是惡臭,甚至被發現時被自己養的狗吃了,#獨居是否就註定要孤獨死去,究竟是疏離社會還是行政僵化造成的? 每個人彷彿只是檔案上名字,而不是一個”人”來對待…
★【無人知曉的死亡】 #孤獨死 #獨居 #冷漠 #高齡社會 #制度
>> 有!網路直播:www.pts.org.tw/ptslive/live/
◇ 週二(10/4)晚間10點,紀錄觀點,公視13頻道/mod⋯⋯

2016年10月2日 星期日

The science of slowing old age is rapidly advancing.

Running a marathon at 90, children in old age. Perhaps some will take long breaks between careers and party wildly

What happens to a society that manages to reverse the effects of ageing?