克里斯多福·普盧默飾演托爾斯泰,海倫·米倫飾演他熱情而喜怒無常的妻子索菲亞伯爵夫人。當托爾斯泰接近生命的盡頭時,他與追隨者們發生了爭執,特別是弗拉基米爾·切爾特科夫 (保羅·吉亞瑪提飾),他敦促他將他的作品和財富留給公眾,而不是他的家人。索菲亞強烈反對此舉,擔心失去丈夫的遺產和生計。
The Last Station (2009) is a historical drama directed by Michael Hoffman, based on Jay Parini’s novel. The film explores the final year of Russian writer Leo Tolstoy’s life, focusing on the tensions between his personal beliefs, his marriage, and his legacy.
Christopher Plummer stars as Tolstoy, while Helen Mirren plays his passionate and temperamental wife, Countess Sofya. As Tolstoy nears the end of his life, he struggles with his followers, particularly Vladimir
Chertkov (Paul Giamatti), who urges him to leave his works and wealth to the public rather than his family. Sofya fiercely opposes this, fearing the loss of her husband’s legacy and their livelihood.
James McAvoy plays Valentin Bulgakov, Tolstoy’s young secretary, who finds himself caught between the idealistic Tolstoyans and the Countess. Through his eyes, the film explores themes of love, devotion, and the conflict between ideology and personal relationships.
The film is visually rich, capturing the beauty of the Russian countryside and the emotional turmoil of its characters. Helen Mirren’s performance earned her an Academy Award nomination, and Christopher Plummer’s portrayal of Tolstoy was widely praised.
The Last Station is a poignant, often humorous, and deeply moving film about love, power, and the struggle between personal and philosophical ideals. It offers a compelling look at one of history’s greatest writers and the forces that shaped his final days.