包括不滿 漢清書話:從「新潮文庫」說些人物、書、事情 BLOG 2018/2019. 2018.10 ~2024.6
漢清書話:從「新潮文庫」說些人物、書、事情 (2023.10))
After a 250-year absence, the ‘Dictionary Desk’ of celebrated 18th century writer Samuel Johnson makes a historic return to his former abode, Dr Johnson’s House in the City of London.
Dr Johnson's House is a gorgeous museum that you can visit to get a peek into 18th century London life and Johnson's literary contributions - and it's where he compiled a great Dictionary of the English language!
This summer, visit a new exhibition 'Desks, Drudgery and the Dictionary', where you explore how Johnson and his assistants worked on the Dictionary before it was published in 1755, and uncover the history – and mystery – of Johnson’s 'Dictionary Desk'.
You'll discover the journey of the desk of the past 250 years, and how the dictionary was compiled, and explore the desk's links to Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle, and Johnson's lost godchildren.
On your way through Gough Square, make sure to say hi to Hodge the Cat!
👉 https://www.thecityofldn.com/event/exhibition-desks-drudgery-and-the-dictionary/
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Sunday, October 20, 2019
志文:管理學開創者、藝術史教授 杜魯克( Peter Drucker ) 的著作【邁向經濟的新紀元--日本成功的代價】【創新與企業家精神 ----最卓越的企業實踐與原理教材】】
A View of Japan Through Japanese Art, Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from Sanso Collection (Seattle: Seattle Art Museum)這實在是篇好文章。
此篇收入Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row, 1981)
有漢譯:【邁向經濟的新紀元--日本成功的代價】,林肇熙譯,台北:志文 (據日譯本),1986
1986年,志文出版林肇熙譯的Peter Drucker的書。現在,網路上找不到他的資料。
A View of Japan Through Japanese Art, Song of the Brush: Japanese Painting from Sanso Collection (Seattle: Seattle Art Museum)這實在是篇好文章。
此篇收入Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row, 1981)
有漢譯:【邁向經濟的新紀元--日本成功的代價】,林肇熙譯,台北:志文 (據日譯本),1986
1986年,志文出版林肇熙譯的Peter Drucker的書。現在,網路上找不到他的資料。
聯經的書很多,在近百本平擺的新書中有梁永安先生翻譯Will Durant 的【落葉】(商周),這本書的起頭,我們SU小組討論過,我似乎還搞錯美國某小報。
台大誠品店一樓逛逛,很不一樣的書,我在幾家美英大學出版社 (各家擺幾本,有Johns Hopskins的,竟然是 Of Grammatology By Jacques Derrida)前看看,每本書都超過千元。
我打算在11月18日上午舉辦紀念Peter Drucker的討論會。
內容談他與W. Edwards Deming的"日本論",他獨特的日本繪畫論。更集中注意力談 Peter Drucker的著作,譬如說回憶錄《旁觀者》和他好友認為最好的《不連續的時代》。
《旁觀者》的群英錄都很獨特,翻翻Polanyi一家,對老Polanyi的教育讚嘆。我對最小的兒子Michael Polanyi有些研究,可Drucker說,他最有名的著作是:Beyond Nihilism By M. Polanyi,這我還沒讀過,慚愧。
內容談他與W. Edwards Deming的"日本論",他獨特的日本繪畫論。更集中注意力談 Peter Drucker的著作,譬如說回憶錄《旁觀者》和他好友認為最好的《不連續的時代》。
《旁觀者》的群英錄都很獨特,翻翻Polanyi一家,對老Polanyi的教育讚嘆。我對最小的兒子Michael Polanyi有些研究,可Drucker說,他最有名的著作是:Beyond Nihilism By M. Polanyi,這我還沒讀過,慚愧。
1982: The Changing World of Executive (New York: Harper & Row) 變動世界的經營者----新企業潮流的挑戰,林肇熙譯,台北:志文 (據日譯本,),1986
Drucker 做為藝術史教授,當然知道這。日本的繪畫影響19世紀歐美最重要的,無疑是北齋和諸多浮世繪。這已是常識。
Hokusai and the wave that swept the world
Hokusai and the wave that swept the world
就收藏者而言,Peter Drucker )是後來者,不過1960年代初,還來得及收藏日本17~19世紀 Edo時代的繪畫,終於成為這方面的一家之言:論文-散文:
Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row, 1981,序寫於元旦),翻譯參考:【邁向經濟的新紀元----日本成功的代價】,林肇熙譯,台北:志文 (據日譯本,比英文本多一篇關於日本的近作),1986
The Japanese aesthetics are a way to understand, or at least to perceive, a fundamental and central element: the very special (I would say unique) relationship between Japan and the outside world. It is a relationship based on receptivity, on an ability, to learn quickly and to improve on what is being taught, while at the same time accepting, or at least retaining , only what makes Japan more Japanese : what fits topology rather than geometry and algebra; what fits Japan human relationship; what fits the inner experience of the uniqueness of Japan, and what might be called, in Western term, Japanese spirituality. We are talking here of and existential phenomenon; and by the way, the best translation of the peculiar word "Shinto" is probably spirituality.
--Peter Drucker , Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row, 1981, A View of Japan Through Japanese Art, pp.194-95林肇熙先生的譯文,的確有些問題 (詳後):了解日本人的美術,可以得到一個基金的中心問題,藉此可了解日本與外在世界的關係。這個關係的基礎在於感受與接受外來東西,並予以改良使其為日本化的東西之能力。這新事物並非幾何或算術,而是位相數學式的,其適合日本化的人際關係與內在體驗,用歐美的話說是適合日本的精神。我們在此所談的多是實相,代附帶說明一點, "神道"最好的譯文應是"精神性"。---(【邁向經濟的新紀元--日本成功的代價】,林肇熙譯,台北:志文 (據日譯本,比英文本多一篇關於日本的近作),1986,頁219)。
說: "神道"最好的譯文應是"精神性"
原文:the best translation of the peculiar word "Shinto" is probably spirituality.--
注意:"可能"變成"應是",姑且不談英文中的the peculiar word (獨特的字眼)。
spirituality 在goo 辭典:1 [U]精神的であること;超俗性;霊性;崇高さ;精神的傾向[気風].前文說依西方用語為Japanese spirituality
創新與企業家精神 ----最卓越的企業實踐與原理教材 By 杜魯克(Peter Drucker )
Publisher: 志文出版社,1986
去某二手書店買了好幾本關於Peter Drucker的書 (包括一本台灣翻譯的小說;因為有許多藏在永和箱中,這樣比較便利。台灣相關書約三十多本,我還想湊熱鬧。)有些資訊可以彌補時空上的距離,譬如說,我說過:"【杜魯克:開創企業社會的人】,沈鑑治譯,香港:今日世界出版社,1984;第12章: 講堂上的杜魯克 (1975.3.18~19) :300人企業人士參加,每人繳60元美元"。現在,在【杜拉克跨世講堂】,可知他在其他大學等地的演講,包括1981年{管理日益複雜的大型組織} (pp.92-99,出處為"摘自紐約大學杜拉克專題講座的演說"。
'Moby Dick' By Herman Melville《白鯨記》200年
'Moby Dick' By Herman Melville《白鯨記》出版200年;《人和書》blog 的相關記載
“It’s a horrifying step toward extinction."
Two percent of the world’s North Atlantic right whales have died in the last two months
Oxford World's Classics
We will be honoring Herman Melville as the #ClassicsInContext Author of the month for August! Herman Melville was born on August 1, 1819 in New York City. Melville is a renowned American novelist, poet, and short story writer, most notably for 'Moby Dick' and 'Bartleby, the Scrivener.' At the start of his life, he and his family lived in luxury, only to plunge into poverty once his father died shortly after the failure of his import business in 1832. The author later embarked on a whaling voyage in the South Seas that inspired his early novels 'Typee' and 'Omoo.'
圖像裡可能有1 人、鬍鬚
Today is Herman Melville’s 200th birthday. For the past century, his fame has known no bounds, his reputation no rest, his life no privacy—something he desperately sought, and found at a farm in the Berkshires.
Herman Melville at Home
Herman Melville
Happy 200th Birthday to Herman Melville, born on this day in 1819 in New York, NY.
“Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sharks. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began.
Consider all this; and then turn to the green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half-known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that isle, thou canst never return!”
― from MOBY DICK (1851) by Herman Melville
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." Today marks 200 years since the birth of MOBY-DICK author Herman Melville. Learn more about Ahab, Ishmael, and the white whale: http://bit.ly/2Kmro8H
人和書blog 的相關記載
Herman Melville: "Bartleby, the Scrivener", "Omoo", Complete Shorter Fiction 大洋洲的逍遙列島(attraction to the South Seas)
名著金句: "Billy Budd, Sailor"
"Moby Dick" is an acquired taste—like Melville himself. MOBY-DICK, Making Digital Books Into Page Turners
Moby Dick, All Quiet on the Western Front and Homer's The Odyssey by Bob Dylan
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Amazonで文芸春秋, 文春の異説・黒沢明 (文春文庫―ビジュアル版)。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。文芸春秋, 文春作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。また異説・黒沢明 (文春文庫―ビジュアル版)もアマゾン配送商品なら通常配送無料。
陳淑女、亀井勝一郎 Katsuichirō Kamei;余阿勳
我的讀書經驗, 龜井勝一郎/陳淑女/志文, 1980, 019 8658, 圖書.
223 我的讀書經驗龜井勝一郎( ) 陳淑女嘉義新港人,1935~2019
知識誕生的奧秘, 梅棹忠夫/余阿勳/劉輝/晨鐘, 1971, 019 8354, 圖書.
119 原始森林的邊緣史懷哲( Schweitzer, 余阿勳(1935- ) )
陳淑女、余阿勳 駐日 由梁容若介紹
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Thursday, February 7, 2019
曹永洋 ,歷史人物的回聲:托爾斯泰、Sir Thomas More.......
:歷史人物的回聲,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9575451457,頁數:368,出版社:志文,作者:曹永洋著,出版日期:1979/11/30 本書以淋漓酣暢的筆鋒,介紹歷史上十二位知名的世界性人物,讀者於書中讀到不只是事功、業蹟、文學、藝術浮面的縷述而已,並且能進一步穿透這些巨像們的靈魂,看到他們如何披荊斬棘,脫穎而出。收到書中的人物包括:托瑪斯.摩爾、拿破崙、拜倫、雪萊、達爾文、俾斯麥、易卜生、托爾斯泰、甘地、史懷哲、金恩、黑澤明等人。作者以靈動、雄健的筆法,精闢深入的論見,信實縝密的資料,使每一位巨人從台的布幕中再度奔躍而出。本書鉤勒人物,栩栩如生,呼之欲出。書中對這些偉人畢生奮鬥的心路歷程,皆有詳實、獨到剖析,讀之可以磨礪志節,倍增面對人生的勇氣。本書寫作費時六年,堪作者嘔心瀝血之作。Tal día como hoy, en 1478, nació en Londres Thomas More, más conocido en España como Tomás Moro. Este teólogo, político, humanista y escritor, fue un destacado detractor de la Reforma protestante. Su principal obra literaria, "Utopía", fue redactada en Amberes y publicada en 1516.El Museo del Prado conserva el retrato de Moro realizado por Rubens entre 1625 y 1630, y que es una copia libre del que el pintor alemán Hans Holbein el Joven había realizado en 1527. La copia de pinturas de otros autores representa una de las prácticas habituales de aquella época. En su obra, el artista holandés eliminó algunos elementos considerados accesorios, como un cortinaje y una cadena. El original de Holbein se conserva en la Frick Collection de Nueva York.Sir Thomas More was born in London, England on this day in 1478."And when the devil hath seen that they have set so little by him, after certain essays, made in such times as he thought most fitting, he hath given that temptation quite over. And this he doth not only because the proud spirit cannot endure to be mocked, but also lest, with much tempting the man to the sin to which he could not in conclusion bring him, he should much increase his merit."
—from "Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation" (1553)Thomas More is perhaps most familiar to us from his courageous struggle with Henry VIII, unforgettably portrayed in Robert Bolt’s classic, A Man for All Seasons. But that final struggle, which ended in his execution for treason, was only the crowning act in a life that he had devoted to God long before. In the first selection in decades made for the general reader from his collected works, this volume traces More’s journey of moral conviction in his own words and writings. Drawing on a variety of More’s late writings–the extraordinary “Tower Works,” written in prison, his poignant last letters to his daughter Margaret, and his poems, private prayers and devotional works–this collection will provide even readers lacking a background in Renaissance humanism or history with a rich introduction to a startlingly modern man of spiritual principle. Also included is the famous “Life of Sir Thomas More,” written by his son-in-law, William Roper. In the annals of spirituality certain books stand out both for their historical importance and for their continued relevance. The Vintage Spiritual Classics series offers the greatest of these works in authoritative new editions, with specially commissioned essays by noted contemporary commentators. Filled with eloquence and fresh insight, encouragement and solace, Vintage Spiritual Classics are incomparable resources for all readers who seek a more substantive understanding of mankind’s relation to the divine. READ an excerpt here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/saint-t…/9780375725722/
Monday, January 14, 2019
柯蕾特 Colette作,品胡品清譯《二重奏》Duo
Originally published: October 31, 1934
Page count: 227
Genre: Fiction
Adaptations: Journey to Italy (1954)
Colette was a French author and woman of letters nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in .... et L'Impur (1932, translated as The Pure and the Impure); La Chatte (1933); Duo (1934); Julie de Carneilhan ... Jump up to: Flower 2013, p.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
馬爾泰手記 The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge 李爾克著, 方瑜譯,李永熾導讀
李爾克著, 方瑜譯
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge was Rainer Maria Rilke's only novel, and is said to have greatly influenced such other writers as Jean-Paul Sartre.
Pages: Two volumes; 191 and 186 p. respectiv...
Publication date: 1910
Translator: M. D. Herter Norton
Author: Rainer Maria Rilke
永恆的戀人(尤金.歐涅金) 普希金著 ,鄭清文譯 1977

作者: 普希金著 ,鄭清文譯
Monday, January 7, 2019
THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY (1881) by Henry James 一位女士的畫像
The portrait of a lady
- 作者: 亨利.詹姆斯
- 原文作者: Henry James
- 出版社:志文
“Her reputation for reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic.”
―from THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY (1881) by Henry James
―from THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY (1881) by Henry James
Isabel Archer, a beautiful, intelligent, and headstrong American girl newly endowed with wealth and embarked in Europe on a treacherous journey to self-knowledge, is delineated with a magnificence that is at once casual and tense with force and insight. The characters with whom she is entangled–the good man and the evil one, between whom she wavers, and the mysterious witchlike woman with whom she must do battle–are each rendered with a virtuosity that suggests dazzling imaginative powers. And the scene painting–in England and Italy–provides a continuous visual pleasure while always remaining crucial to the larger drama. THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY is the most stunning achievement of Henry James’s early period–in the 1860s and ’70s when he was transforming himself from a talented young American into a resident of Europe, a citizen of the world, and one of the greatest novelists of modern times. A kind of delight at the success of this transformation informs every page of this masterpiece. READ an excerpt here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-portrait-of-a-lad…/