----陳東升 打造有中國特色的保險業
2012年11月28日 星期三
2012年11月24日 星期六
The fashion in wines, Chinese-style
Chinese taste in wine
The east is red
The fashion in wines, Chinese-style
Nov 24th 2012 | from the print edition
The reason is changing appetites among Chinese buyers. In past years they stoked the boom (prices rose by 35% in 2006). They then moved on to buying wineries (around 20 Bordeaux producers are now Chinese-owned). But such vineyards commonly produce 300,000 bottles a year each. In search of more exclusive labels, Chinese buyers are tiring of Bordeaux wines and turning to Burgundy, where wineries rarely make more than 3,000 bottles annually. A case of Domaine Dominique Gallois La Combe 1985, an exclusive Burgundy, now costs £114,000.
The switch is bad news for the wine trade: Bordeaux accounts for 85% of the fine-wine market, so a drop in Chinese interest hits hard. But Max Lalondrelle, of Berry Brothers and Rudd, a London merchant, says lower prices let him “reconnect with the drinkers”, rather than focusing on collectors and prestige buyers.
2012年11月21日 星期三
习酒 Xi Jiu
www.gzxijiu.cn/ - Cached - 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page
今夜的习酒灯火辉煌,今夜的习酒焰火璀璨,今夜的习酒欢歌笑语,今夜的习酒醉美无眠。歌舞欢动习酒心,焰火照亮习酒城。风雨兼程的习酒在60年的发展过程中艰苦 ...习酒_百度百科
baike.baidu.com/.../45145.htm - China - Cached - 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page
习酒产在与茅台酒相距50公里的二郎滩,习水酒厂内有一股清澈甘冽的山泉,用这里山泉酿造美酒有独特的风味。习酒以当地的优质糯高粱为原料,小麦制成高温大曲 ...Chinese liquor chases Xi Jinping’s rise
Liu Jin/AFP/Getty Images -
A woman browses bottles of baijiu, a lethally strong Chinese
grain alcohol, displayed at a store in Beijing. Xi Jiu, one of the
distillers of baijiu, shares an ideograph with that of incoming
president Xi Jinping, which has helped increase its sales.
By Jamil Anderlini | Financial Times,
But for one Chinese liquor company, the elevation of Xi has been a godsend.
Chinese debate Xi’s views on reform
Keith B. Richburg
As next leader of Communist Party prepares to take reins, his interest in change remains an unknown.Beijing’s velvet-glove security force
William Wan
Graying, smiling women have been enlisted to squelch anything that
could embarrass the Communist Party during its leadership transition.China’s imperceptible first ladies
William Wan
Peng Liyuan is popular, but when her husband becomes China’s new leader, she’ll probably be out of sight.China’s next premier considered by some a cautious friend of democracy
Keith B. Richburg
Longtime friendships with pro-democracy reformers provide some with hope Li will champion change.China’s Hu calls for ‘clean’ government
Keith B. Richburg
After recent scandals, Communist leader warns Chinese congress that corruption must end.In China, a once-a-decade power shift
William Wan
Leadership transition, rich with pageantry, security and secrecy, comes at critical moment for nation.Baijiu — literally “white alcohol” — is almost always offered to grease the wheels of commerce and government and is also a favorite gift among businessmen and officials.
Partly thanks to its name, sales of Xi Jiu reached 2.3 billion renminbi, or $369 million, worth in the first 10 months of this year. The company says sales should hit 3 billion renminbi by the end of this year — nearly double its performance in 2010. Xi Jiu hopes to list on the domestic stock market some time next year.
Diageo, the producer of Johnnie Walker whisky and Guinness beer, has bought into a baijiu brand known as Shui Jing Fang in Chinese and Swellfun in English. Earlier this year, Diageo announced plans to launch Swellfun in the British market at a retail price of $159 a bottle.
Xi will take over as head of the Communist Party on Thursday and will become president of China in March, performing both roles for the next decade.
In an effort to cash in on the rise of the new leader, Xi Jiu has launched a big marketing campaign, bidding more than $48 million for prime-time advertising slots on state broadcaster China Central Television, according to local media. The company is targeting total annual sales of as much as $1.6 billion by the end of 2015.
Using the image or name of senior officials for commercial purposes is forbidden in China and representatives from Xi Jiu refused repeated requests for comment.
“The rationale for the big marketing push is the assumption that once Xi Jinping takes power, lots of people will want to give Xi Jiu as gifts,” said Bill Bishop, an independent analyst in Beijing who bought a case of vintage Xi Jiu as an investment last year.
Xi Jiu is named after Xishui County in the southwestern province of Guizhou, where it has been produced since 1952. But the company has a checkered history, and until recently the brand was a little-known cheap substitute for better-known tipples.
The company that produces Xi Jiu was bought in 1998 by publicly listed Kweichow Moutai, the most famous of all baijiu brands and the one used at official state banquets to toast visiting dignitaries.
Until recently “we drank it because it tastes like Moutai but is a lot cheaper,” Wang Dimiao, a provincial-level government official in Guizhou, said.
Ma Youquan, a party cadre in charge of an agricultural school in Guizhou, said the drink was “pure and tasty and easy to swallow.”
He added: “When you drink a lot of it, you don’t get a bad headache or feel thirsty.”
— Financial Times
2012年11月11日 星期日
octogenarian, nonagenarian, centenarian
Yet Carter never ceased to be an active part of the musical present. Premieres of his works have been regular features of musical events and programmes over the world for years, lately becoming an almost annual occurrence at music festivals such as Aldeburgh in Britain and Tanglewood in Massachusetts (the 2008 Tanglewood festival was a celebration of Carter's centenary).
centenary 百歲的
centenarian ~ 人
octogenarian, nonagenarian
Mr Kossoff will soon be 84. Nobody gets to be an octogenarian without sometimes feeling heavy-limbed and in need of a prop (usually in the form of a chair).
[nɑ`nədʒənéəriən | nòun-]
2012年11月7日 星期三
Triumphs of Experience 經驗的勝利
Triumphs of Experience
"The beauty of the Grant Study is that ...
it has followed its subjects for nine decades. The big finding is that
you can teach an old dog new tricks. The men kept changing ... even in
their 80s and 90s.”
—David Brooks,
New York Times online
New York Times online
At a time when many people around the world are living into
their tenth decade, the longest longitudinal study of human development ever
undertaken offers some welcome news for the new old age: our lives continue to
evolve in our later years, and often become more fulfilling than before.
Begun in 1938, the Grant Study of Adult Development charted the physical and emotional health of over 200 men, starting with their undergraduate days. The now-classic Adaptation to Life reported on the men’s lives up to age 55 and helped us understand adult maturation. Now George Vaillant follows the men into their nineties, documenting for the first time what it is like to flourish far beyond conventional retirement.
Reporting on all aspects of male life, including relationships, politics and religion, coping strategies, and alcohol use (its abuse being by far the greatest disruptor of health and happiness for the study’s subjects), Triumphs of Experience shares a number of surprising findings. For example, the people who do well in old age did not necessarily do so well in midlife, and vice versa. While the study confirms that recovery from a lousy childhood is possible, memories of a happy childhood are a lifelong source of strength. Marriages bring much more contentment after age 70, and physical aging after 80 is determined less by heredity than by habits formed prior to age 50. The credit for growing old with grace and vitality, it seems, goes more to ourselves than to our stellar genetic makeup.
Begun in 1938, the Grant Study of Adult Development charted the physical and emotional health of over 200 men, starting with their undergraduate days. The now-classic Adaptation to Life reported on the men’s lives up to age 55 and helped us understand adult maturation. Now George Vaillant follows the men into their nineties, documenting for the first time what it is like to flourish far beyond conventional retirement.
Reporting on all aspects of male life, including relationships, politics and religion, coping strategies, and alcohol use (its abuse being by far the greatest disruptor of health and happiness for the study’s subjects), Triumphs of Experience shares a number of surprising findings. For example, the people who do well in old age did not necessarily do so well in midlife, and vice versa. While the study confirms that recovery from a lousy childhood is possible, memories of a happy childhood are a lifelong source of strength. Marriages bring much more contentment after age 70, and physical aging after 80 is determined less by heredity than by habits formed prior to age 50. The credit for growing old with grace and vitality, it seems, goes more to ourselves than to our stellar genetic makeup.
經驗的勝利報告男性生活的所有方面,包括其關係,政治和宗教,各種應對進退的策略,飲酒情形(迄今,這項研究的受試者的酗酒程度,乃是其健康和幸福的最大殺手),它與我們分享一些令人驚訝的發現。例如,老年時狀況好的,中年時不一定那麼好,反之亦然。雖然該研究證實,從慘兮兮的童年復元是可能的,而快樂童年的回憶,乃是終生的力量源泉。70歲以後,婚姻更讓人心滿意足,而 80歲後的身體狀況,由遺傳決定的少,而多半由50歲之前所形成的習慣造成的。這樣看來,慢慢優雅而富活力地變老,多歸功於自力,而非原有的基因構成。
2012年11月6日 星期二
Justing 傳來的 不知為什麼缺一. 結語處已有人貼出. 有些看法不盡然譬如說有人分產不錯.....
2. 盡早處理掉不能留下的物品。3. 關 於遺體遺骨的處理,最好選擇不會讓生者感到困擾的處理方式,並 且讓生者充分瞭解自己的意思。4. 準備好一切身後事的費 用及謝禮,千萬別認為別人的幫 助是出於義務或理所當然。『連身後事都顧得面面俱到』, 作者認為單身者若能抱著這種想 法享受人生,便能安心的走完人 生最後一程。結語:俗語說的好「有理財就不 窮、有計畫就不亂、有準備就不 忙」,身為老人 預備軍的我們,是否做好準備 了?只要事先做好準備,日後就 無須憂心老後生活。要 準備第一件事就是能老健,平 時就要注重三 養:吃得營養、注重保養、要有修 養。第 二是老 居:與其過度恐懼孤獨,ㄧ定要和兒孫同住,過著忍氣吞聲的生活,不如獨自享受單身之樂,無論都會或郊區,住最適 合自己的地方。 第 三是老 本,既然養兒已 無法養老,為人父母的也只能自 立自強了,老本ㄧ定要保得好,不進棺材前ㄧ定不分家 產。第 四是老 友:有個好朋友、好飯友和伴侶 ㄧ樣重要,平時要廣結善緣,多認識各類朋友,是單身貴族享受生活的一項祕訣。 總 之:不管你是長壽的歐吉桑或歐巴桑,到最 後都是ㄧ個人, 這句話ㄧ點也不悲涼,也不可 怕,全看你如何安排生活,全看 你有沒有成熟的心理。喜歡就值 得去做,別忘了,這輩子就只這 ㄧ次,遇到好康的或是幸福的 事,可別總是期待留給下ㄧ代。老朋友們切記!我 們注定是 孝順父母的最後一代,被兒女拋 棄的第ㄧ代,千萬不要“人 在天堂,錢 在銀行”,什 麼「一個人很寂寞」、「老了沒 人照顧」等種種負面訊息,早已 是過時的說法。認清:財富只是 數字問題,名利只是短暫虛榮, 生活才是人生的全部,當個「樂 在享受單身暮年」的人,人生就 有如再度染上春天的色彩,條件 是:身 體強健,有錢、有閒、有朋友, 並且有自己專屬的空間。 祝福我們大家都有~彩色的熟年快樂幸福生活!
金門高粱新酒充老酒 酒商賺暴利
金門高粱新酒充老酒 酒商賺暴利
陳年特高夯 一瓶喊二萬多
新標換貼舊標 竟是原廠的
國 內第一大金門高粱酒商「新思維集團」旗下多家分店,涉嫌以近幾年才裝瓶、俗稱「白金龍」的金門特級高粱「新酒」,偽裝成八十一年裝瓶的「老酒」,或冒充有 「高粱酒之王」之稱的「陳年特級高粱酒」(俗稱黑金剛、黑金龍)販售,檢調追查發現,這些冒充品的老酒標籤竟來自原廠,並非仿製,研判由金門酒廠流出,正 全力追查是否有酒廠人員勾結廠商。
兵分六路搜索 查扣近百箱
調 查局福建省調查處昨兵分六路,搜索新思維多家金門分店,另會同新北市調查處、新竹縣調查站搜索新北市「永和店」、「中和連城店」、新竹市「新竹店」及一處 倉庫,約談新思維多名主管及員工到案,昨晚再根據指證搜索上游供貨商,查扣近百箱市價數百萬元的冒充品與大批進貨單 ,漏夜釐清案情中。
全 案起於一名白酒行家半個月前買了一瓶八十一年高粱酒,開瓶發覺有異而檢舉。金門酒廠檢測發覺不是假酒,而是新酒冒充老酒,向同一家商號買來同年份高粱檢 測,情形相同。 檢調昨再將查扣品送金酒鑑定,發覺瓶口塑膠封套內側標示為九十八年,瓶身換貼八十一年標籤,現場還扣到八十六年舊酒換貼八十一年舊酒標籤,懷疑犯行時間恐 長達十多年,流入市面的冒充品不計其數。
新標換貼舊標 竟是原廠的
國 內第一大金門高粱酒商「新思維集團」旗下多家分店,涉嫌以近幾年才裝瓶、俗稱「白金龍」的金門特級高粱「新酒」,偽裝成八十一年裝瓶的「老酒」,或冒充有 「高粱酒之王」之稱的「陳年特級高粱酒」(俗稱黑金剛、黑金龍)販售,檢調追查發現,這些冒充品的老酒標籤竟來自原廠,並非仿製,研判由金門酒廠流出,正 全力追查是否有酒廠人員勾結廠商。
兵分六路搜索 查扣近百箱
調 查局福建省調查處昨兵分六路,搜索新思維多家金門分店,另會同新北市調查處、新竹縣調查站搜索新北市「永和店」、「中和連城店」、新竹市「新竹店」及一處 倉庫,約談新思維多名主管及員工到案,昨晚再根據指證搜索上游供貨商,查扣近百箱市價數百萬元的冒充品與大批進貨單 ,漏夜釐清案情中。
全 案起於一名白酒行家半個月前買了一瓶八十一年高粱酒,開瓶發覺有異而檢舉。金門酒廠檢測發覺不是假酒,而是新酒冒充老酒,向同一家商號買來同年份高粱檢 測,情形相同。 檢調昨再將查扣品送金酒鑑定,發覺瓶口塑膠封套內側標示為九十八年,瓶身換貼八十一年標籤,現場還扣到八十六年舊酒換貼八十一年舊酒標籤,懷疑犯行時間恐 長達十多年,流入市面的冒充品不計其數。
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