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Carnegie Porter of Gothenburg, Sweden
The history and development of stout and porter are intertwined.[4] The name "stout" for a dark beer is believed to have come about because a strong porter may be called "Extra Porter" or "Double Porter" or "Stout Porter". The term "Stout Porter" would later be shortened to just "Stout". For example, Guinness Extra Stout was originally called "Extra Superior Porter" and was only given the name Extra Stout in 1840.[5]
來到倫敦這座曾經以出口波特啤酒(Porter)聞名的大都會,只要事先預約,就能參觀成立超過150年的富樂(Fuller’s)老酒廠,或者一探炙手可熱的新世代酒廠Meantime Brewery,感受世代交替釀酒廠的新舊魅力。
■Fuller’s 老牌酒廠
Fuller’s是目前倫敦最老的品牌之一,歷史從1845年起,也是倫敦人引以為傲的家鄉品牌,旗艦款London Pride在倫敦機場就有販賣,台灣目前由豪邁代理進口旗下啤酒。
富樂酒廠離市區有一段距離,遠遠走近就傳來一陣香甜的麥芽香氣,先在酒吧Mawson Arms會合後,導遊Chris再帶領進入外觀仍保有傳統紅磚白邊的Griffin Brewery廠房。
Griffin Brewery內部氣氛跟一般閃著不鏽鋼銀光的現代酒廠大不相同,有如走迷宮般連結數個上下的小樓梯,並保留目前已不再使用的釀酒器材,例如巨大圓形的銅色糖化槽,一旁為現代使用的高大水槽,兩者一新一舊,呈現有趣的對比。
■逛完酒廠 喝到飽再走
這些復古器材也伴隨著逗趣的故事,像是早期的熟成槽巨大到可以跑進裡面玩躲貓貓,就曾有負責清潔的小男孩出不來的窘境。早期的發酵槽也跟當今多數 密閉式的不鏽鋼桶不同,採取開放而非密閉,發酵時酵母會漂浮到表面,多餘的酵母會特別設計從一旁的槽口流出,備用於下一次的發酵。
逛完酒廠後才是最高潮的「喝到飽」時間,Fuller’s大方提供多款新鮮出廠、不過濾,也不多加二氧化碳的真愛爾。我也找到了行文化之名,趁機 大喝特喝的藉口,甚至還裝模作樣的當起了酒保。導覽Chris看我喝得津津有味邊笑說,30年來自己每天也非要喝上一杯London Pride的真愛爾啤酒。2013-05-18 中國時報 文/伊蓮
Fuller's Brewery
Industry | Alcoholic beverage |
Founded | 1845 |
Founder(s) | John Bird Fuller, Henry Smith and John Turner |
Headquarters | Chiswick, London, United Kingdom |
Products | Beer |
Production output | 217000 UK barrels (in FY2012) |
Revenue | £253.0m (FY2012) |
Divisions | The Fuller's Beer Company, Fuller's Inns |
Website | |
Contents |
Beer has been brewed on Fuller's Chiswick site for over 350 years - as far back as the era of Oliver Cromwell. From the original brewery in the gardens of Bedford House on Chiswick Mall, the business expanded and thrived until the early part of the nineteenth century. Money problems forced the owners, who were then Douglas and Henry Thompson and Philip Wood, to seek a partner.John Fuller, of Neston Park, Wiltshire was approached to see if he would inject the required amount of money. In 1829 he joined the enterprise, but the partnership proved a difficult one and in 1841 Douglas Thompson fled to France and the partnership was dissolved.
It soon became apparent that it was impossible for one man with no brewing experience to run a brewery of that size alone, so in 1845 John Fuller's son, John Bird Fuller, was joined by Henry Smith from the Romford Brewery of Ind & Smith and his brother-in-law, Head Brewer John Turner, thereby forming Fuller Smith & Turner, as it is still known today.
Since that date the Griffin Brewery has gone from strength to strength. In 1909 the Beehive Brewery in Brentford was acquired, along with its 34 pubs. In 1929, one hundred years after the first Fuller had come to Chiswick, the partnership was dissolved and a Limited Company was formed. Descendants of those first partners are still heavily involved in the day to day running of the company.
Over the years Fuller's has built up a reputation for its pubs and beers, with the likes of London Pride, ESB and 1845 all winning numerous awards. In fact, three of Fuller’s beers – London Pride, ESB and Chiswick Bitter – have been named Champion Beer of Britain, a feat unmatched by any other brewery.[citation needed]
In November 2005, Fuller’s announced the largest deal in the history of the company acquiring George Gale & Co. (Gales), of Horndean, Hampshire. The Gales deal added 111 houses to the estate taking the total number of pubs then to 362. Fuller's has continued to selectively acquire pubs to add to its estate and the company now owns and operates over 380 pubs.
Griffin Brewery
The first recorded use of the name 'Griffin Brewery' in Chiswick dates from 1816, when one of the oweners of the company at the time, Douglas Thompson, acquired the name from a failed brewery (Meux & Reid) in the City of London.[2] As well as its range of beers, The Griffin Brewery, located on the A4 in Chiswick, is famous for having the oldest wisteria plant in the UK, planted in the early 19th century.[3] The public can take a guided tour of the site.[4] During 2012 almost 15,000 visited the site.[citation needed]The Fuller's Beer Company
Fuller’s is most widely known as the brewer of London Pride, one of the UK’s leading premium cask ales, as well as many other award-winning ales such as Chiswick Bitter, ESB and 1845. Three of Fuller’s beers - London Pride, ESB and Chiswick Bitter - have been named Champion Beer of Britain, a record unmatched by any other brewer.[citation needed] Fuller's ESB (Extra Special Bitter) has the distinction of being the beer which spawned an entire beer style in the USA.Fuller's has a number of regular brands.[5]
Fuller's year-round beers (as at 2013)
- Fuller's London Pride, the company’s flagship brand, is a mahogany coloured bitter. The beer is best known in England in its 4.1% cask conditioned form, but is also sold in the UK and worldwide in 4.7% pasteurised bottles.