2010年12月20日 星期一
2010年12月2日 星期四
Wine 101: Riesling
Wine 101: Riesling
First-time Riesling drinkers may find this wine a bit of a wild card. Your wine-drinking experience can vary greatly, depending on which bottle you pick off of the shelf.
The nose. The one thing you can be sure of is the signature Riesling perfume ─ all good Rieslings carry a strong floral bouquet.
The taste. Compared with its welcoming and upfront aroma, the way a Riesling tastes may be surprising. Rather than the big fruits and florals you were expecting, you'll find tastes that are harder to pinpoint. Think quirky metallic or flinty hints.
Sweet or dry. Rieslings can also range from bone dry to semisweet. The old-fashioned German Liebfraumilch, a heavy semisweet wine, gave sweet Rieslings a bad name, but these days there are refreshingly bright incarnations. Just make sure to read your label carefully, and confirm with wine store staff if you're unsure.
The acid. The grape grows in colder climates, and the acidity that results from that environment makes this wine a mouthwatering appetite opener, the perfect for cold starters such as salads and ceviches.
Amy Ma
甜度或乾度:雷司令的甜度可以在極乾(bone dry)與半甜(semisweet)之間變化。傳統的德國萊茵白葡萄酒(Liebfraumilch)是一種口味濃重的半甜酒﹐給雷司令帶來了不好的名 聲。不過﹐今天的雷司令已經有了不少清爽適口的新品種。買這種酒的時候﹐記得看清楚標簽就好﹐實在拿不準的話﹐也可以去找酒舖的店員咨詢。
First-time Riesling drinkers may find this wine a bit of a wild card. Your wine-drinking experience can vary greatly, depending on which bottle you pick off of the shelf.
The nose. The one thing you can be sure of is the signature Riesling perfume ─ all good Rieslings carry a strong floral bouquet.
The taste. Compared with its welcoming and upfront aroma, the way a Riesling tastes may be surprising. Rather than the big fruits and florals you were expecting, you'll find tastes that are harder to pinpoint. Think quirky metallic or flinty hints.
Sweet or dry. Rieslings can also range from bone dry to semisweet. The old-fashioned German Liebfraumilch, a heavy semisweet wine, gave sweet Rieslings a bad name, but these days there are refreshingly bright incarnations. Just make sure to read your label carefully, and confirm with wine store staff if you're unsure.
The acid. The grape grows in colder climates, and the acidity that results from that environment makes this wine a mouthwatering appetite opener, the perfect for cold starters such as salads and ceviches.
Amy Ma
甜度或乾度:雷司令的甜度可以在極乾(bone dry)與半甜(semisweet)之間變化。傳統的德國萊茵白葡萄酒(Liebfraumilch)是一種口味濃重的半甜酒﹐給雷司令帶來了不好的名 聲。不過﹐今天的雷司令已經有了不少清爽適口的新品種。買這種酒的時候﹐記得看清楚標簽就好﹐實在拿不準的話﹐也可以去找酒舖的店員咨詢。
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